7. The Party (Part 2)

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(The Party Hall is in the basement of the Pack house^)

After the lovely talk, they made their way to the pack house for the party. When they arrived, the parking area of the pack house was almost full, only two or three more cars can be parked there. They parked the car and get out. 

"Looks like we are on time." Louis said.

"I'm nervous, Alpha." Harry admitted, looking at Louis.

"Why are you nervous, Omega?" Louis asked softly.

"This is the first time I am meeting the pack. What if they don't like me? What if they don't accept me? What if they don-?" Louis cut him off before he starts panicking.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Everyone's gonna love you, alright? They are not going to hate you, okay. Everyone will like you. Don't worry about it." Louis said, taking Harry's face in his hands.

Harry sighed and nodded, giving Louis a small smile. Louis returning the gesture.

"Let's go inside, yeah?" Louis said. Harry nodded.

They went inside and towards the entrance of the party hall, walking side by side.

When they reached the door, Louis turned to Harry and smiled at him before the door opened and they walked in, Harry slightly behind Louis.

As they walked down the stairs, the hall grew quiet and everyone was staring at Harry. Harry looked down, feeling self-conscious from all the stares. 

When they reached the small stage-type area at the end of the stairs (AN: I don't know what its called, sorry😅), the whispers started. Everyone was talking about how they would like to do things to him, how Louis is lucky to have that, and so on. They were talking about him like he was an object. Harry's eyes started to tear up hearing things like that about him, but he didn't let the tears flow.

Louis growled loudly at everyone, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and pulling him into his chest. Everyone once again quietened. 

Mark, the Alpha of the pack, came onto the small stage-type area and cleared his throat before saying, "Good evening everyone, as we all might know it's now time for me to retire from the position as the Alpha of the Tomlinson pack as my son, Louis Tomlinson, is now ,according to me, capable of handling the pack very well. So, today I, Mark Tomlinson, pass my position of the Alpha of this pack to my son, Louis Tomlinson. He is the Alpha of the Tomlinson Pack now. And this is Harry Styles, his soon-to-be mate and the Luna of this pack." He said, gesturing towards Harry, before continuing. "This is Zayn Malik, who will be the second-in-command of this pack." -he motioned Zayn to come on the stage and they both shake their hands-"And This is   Liam Payne, who will be Louis' right hand." He ended his small speech, after shaking hands with Liam, with a thank you.

[AN: Sorry, this is a (very) small chapter, but it was my sister's birthday and I was a little busy. And there will be a part-3 for 'The Party' chapter. (Also sorry for the crappy speech Mark gave, I didn't know how to make announcement.)

I also wanted to thank you for reading my fanfic, it means A LOT to me. 

Love ya <3]

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