12. The Fight

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"Well, well, well. Look who do we have here." 

Louis and his men turned around quickly. Big wolves were surrounding them, which, from its looks, are all alphas, with a lad in the front. Louis, Liam, and Zayn pull out their gun quickly while others turn into their wolf form. They always had the guns with them, but no one knew except the eleven other people there.  

"You must the leader of the Rogue Wolves, am I correct?" Liam asked.

"Oh, yes. I am Charles Wilson. The Alpha of the Wilson Pack and son of Joseph Wilson."

"Where is Harry? What do you want from us?"

"Oh, don't worry. We didn't do anything to your precious Luna... yet."

"What do you want, Wilson?" Louis asked angrily.

"Well, as you might know, your father, the former Alpha, Mark killed my father, Joseph Wilson."

"Get to the point, Charles," Louis said, getting annoyed.

"Okay, well. I wanted revenge. But then I saw your mate wandering alone in the woods, so I got an idea. And we thought that it might not require bloodshed and could be done peacefully."

" What. Do. You. Want. Charles." Zayn said, pissed.

"We want you... to give us... 3/4th of the Tonson Pack's Territory. There will be no need of bloodshed."

"No fooking way," Louis said.

"Alright then." Charles shrugged. He then looked back at his wolves and jerked his head towards Louis and his men/wolves.

The Rogue Wolves attacked them. Charles was standing there.

Louis, Liam, and Zayn started shooting a few wolves while the wolves were biting and scratching each other.

The Rogue Wolves were going down fast as the gun Louis and Ziam used had silver bullets dipped in wolfsbane. Almost all the Rogue wolves were dead. And those who weren't dead were not in the state of attacking them.

No one from Tomlinson Pack was dead. Only a couple of people were slightly injured. After they were done with Rogue Wolves, they all turned to look at Charles. He was standing there trying to stay calm, but you could still see the fire in his eyes.

Louis pointed his gun at Charles and asked, "Anything you wanna say, Wilson?"

Charles didn't reply; he just stood there angry.

"Alright then. tell us where Harry is?"

"No, I won't."

Louis shot Charles in the shin. He hollered in pain and fell onto one knee, holding his other leg.

"Where is Harry?" Louis asked again, sternly.

"I won't tell you!" Charles shouted.

Louis shot him again but in the shoulder this time. He screamed in pain.

"Where is he, Charles?" Louis shouted.

"Oh shit! In the basement, okay? He is in the basement. Now, don't shoot, please!" Charles screamed.

"Oh, I can't be so sure about that after what you did to my baby," Louis said, walking towards Charles, gun still in hand.

"We didn't even do anything to him. We just locked him in the basement, nothing else." Charles cried.

"And that is enough for me to kill you."

After saying that, Louis shot him in the head.

[Hello there :)

I'm SO sorry I didn't update for a week.

And again, thank you for reading this fanfic.

Love ya. <3]

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