2. The Talk

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After introduction between the two, they were now in the backseat of the car, on their way from Holmes Chapel to Doncaster, where the Tomlinson pack lives. They were quiet, Louis not knowing what to say and Harry too shy to say anything. 

After a few minutes of silence, Louis says, "So Harry, can we have a little talk before we reach there?" with a serious tone.

"Yeah, sure. What about?" Harry asked.

"Since when did you knew that we were engaged, first of all?" 

"I was told just yesterday."

"And what do you think about this... this arrangement, let's say?"

"What do you mean?" He asked, even though he knew what does he mean.

"You very well know what I mean, Omega," Louis said in a stern voice.

"W-well I th-" He was cut off by Louis himself.

"I just want to clear a few things here." 

Harry nodded.

"We are going to marry and mate and you will have my pups in you, for the sake of the pack, but that doesn't mean that I am obliged to love you and all that. I will show you affection and all when we are with others only."

"W-what? But w-why? A-aren't we supposed to l-love each other?" Harry said tears start pooling in his eyes and his inner omega whines.

"No one knows but I have a girlfriend, Harry. And we are 'supposed' to love each other, but that doesn't mean I do, and I never will. You see, Harold, it wasn't my choice to marry or mate you. It was just an arrangement to stop the war, nothing else." Louis says harshly.

Harry just looked down, tears starting to fall as well at the thought of never being loved by his mate.

"The talk we had, stays between us, Omega."

After that being said, the whole ride was silent.

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