13. "I dropped!?"

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Harry woke up to the sound of continuous annoying beeping sound. He opened his eyes but closed them again immediately when they were met with bright white lights. It was quiet except for the annoying beeping.

He groaned, but it was barely audible because of his parched throat. He slowly turned his head towards his left and opened his eyes again. He was met with a plain white wall with a window. He could see the dark night sky with the moon slightly behind a few clouds. He smiled, looking at the moon. He's always loved gazing at the night sky.

He then turned his head towards the front. There was a wooden door on the left side of the wall, a small window in it, and a television and digital clock on the right side. It shows 11'o clock at night. And according to the date, it's been two days since he went on the run in the woods...?

'It's obviously a hospital room. How did I get here?' He sat up quickly and tried to remember what happened. 'I was on the run and then sat down to rest. The big rogue alpha wolves attacked me and were dragging my wolf. They met with the others. We all changed to human form, and they forcefully led me to the dark basement of an abandoned house. I was kidnapped!? I don't remember anything after that.'

He pulled his knees to his chest, resting his chin on them and wrapping his around them. He hissed as the IV in his hand moved slightly, which was again barely audible.

As he sat there hugging himself and thinking about what happened, his eyes started to tear up and soon, he had tears flowing down his cheeks silently. He was thinking about why was it him who was attacked and kidnapped. Now don't get him wrong; he doesn't ever wish that it would happen to anyone. But, he never did anything terrible to anyone in the whole sixteen years of his life.

He didn't know for how long he sat there, hugging himself and crying, when two strong arms wrapped themselves around him, pulling him into a hard chest. His senses were immediately filled with the familiar scent of the forest after heavy rainfall and cinnamon. He very well knew whose this scent was.

His Alpha.

The omega cried while his alpha comforted him. He stopped after a few minutes and pulled away slightly to look at Louis.

Louis looked down at his omega.

"You alright, sun?"

"What h-happened there? I-I don't remember a-anything after being locked in the b-basement. What happened, L-lou? How a-am I h-here?" Harry asked, completely ignoring his alpha's question, but it was barely a whisper.

"I'm... I don't know what exactly happened. But... um... when we found you... you were unconscious... There weren't any injuries. You... um... you dropped, Haz. I think it was because you were scared and panicked. And you were unconscious for the past two days."

"I dropped!?" Harry yelled but then started coughing violently because of his parched throat.

Louis immediately gives him some water to drink from the side table, before rubbing and softly patting his back. The coughing stopped after a while.

"Don't yell, pup." The alpha said gently but still with a firm tone in his voice.

"S-sorry Alpha. But... I-I really dropped?"

"Yes, you did, Hazza. I'm sorry I wasn't there. I'm so so sorry. I promise I'll never leave you alone. Please forgive me, I'm really sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, Lou. If anything, it was my fault. They didn't even do anything to me. I was weak. I wasn't just strong enough."

"It wasn't your fault, sun. And being kidnapped is a pretty big deal. So, don't you dare say that it was your fault or you were weak. Because you are not weak. If you were, then you wouldn't have been here. The doctor said that it was a pretty nasty drop. That if we were a few more hours late, it could've been fatal. And it might take you a week to wake up. But I knew we're strong and that you would wake up before that. And look at you now, you are almost as good as before."

Harry was about to say something but Louis cut him off by kissing him. He, of course, kissed back. The kiss was soft and slow. It was filled with passion and a lot of love. They pulled back after a while, to breathe but were close enough to breathe into each other's mouth. Harry's cheeks were tinted a light pink but they both had a soft smile playing on their lips. They were staring into each other's eyes with so much love in them.

"I love you so much, Harry. Never forget that."

"I love you too, Louis, so much."

[Hello there :)

So here's a update finally. I know that I have been updating with a weeks gap now, but my school started again after the summer break. I'm sorry.

And thank you so much for reading this fanfic, it means a lot.

Love ya <3]

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