10. Wilson Pack

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(Harry's wolf^)

Harry was running in the woods in his wolf form, enjoying the fresh air. He loved the smell of the grass, flowers, trees, and all the forest things. The sounds in the forest were all peaceful for him. The chirping of the birds and the rustling of the leaves, he loved listening to them.

He had stopped running around a while ago. And was strolling around slowly in the peace of the woods when a butterfly came sat on his snout.
He crossed his eyes to look at it and was mesmerised by its beauty. After a while, the butterfly flew away, and he sat on a small boulder, resting his head on his paws.

He heard rustling but ignored it, thinking it was just some rabbits hopping around. He hears some loud growls near, after a while, causing him to jump up. He looked around him to see he was surrounded by five-six wolves, all alphas (he knew because of their size and the power radiating off them). They had no scent, so Harry knew they were all rogue wolves. He whimpered loudly, causing them to growl and come forwards. The next thing he knew, there was sudden and extreme pain in his side, and he was on the ground in front of a brown alpha wolf. The wolf started to drag him somewhere, holding Harry's neck by his mouth, causing his teeth to dig in and Harry to whimper from the slight pain in his neck.

After about ten minutes of the wolf dragging Harry by his neck and Harry whimpering, they reached a big pile of boulders near a small pond. The wolf dragged Harry to where six other alpha rogue wolves. They stopped in front of a black wolf. By then, Harry's neck was red because of the blood from the wound caused by all the dragging.

When they stopped, everyone, except Harry, turned back into their human forms and got dressed.

A lad, who Harry noticed was the black wolf, came towards Harry and ordered him to turn back to human form while setting some clothes beside him.

Harry turned back to his human form, his wound on the neck healing in the process. And quickly get dressed, not wanting the unknown men to see him naked. He then started at the man, who gave him clothes, desiring answers but was too scared to ask.

"Well, now you must be wondering who am I? And why are you here?" The man said, smirking.

Harry nodded in reply, too afraid to speak.

"I am Charles Wilson, the alpha of the Wilson Pack. Not a pack, more like a group of rogue alphas. Now to answer why you are here, you are here because the former alpha of the Tomlinson Pack, Mark, killed my father, Joseph Wilson. And I want revenge."

"I'm sorry about your father, but what does that have to do with me? I wasn't even a member of this pack when that happened."

"Oh, you weren't at that time, but you are now. And you are the Head Alpha's mate too. He will come here trying to find you, but he won't find anyone because, by that time, we will be gone." The man, Harry now knew as Charles, said, smirking while he packed the few things they were using.

They all started moving and soon left the Tomlinson Pack's territory. Harry's hands were tied behind his back, too tightly that they were hurting him badly, and he was being shoved forward once in a while, causing him to stumble. He was whimpering all the way.

They stopped at an abandoned house, just in seeing distance from Tomlinson Pack's borderline. They ped Harry to the basement and threw him in a dark room, leaving him alone after locking the door.

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