6. The Party (Part 1)

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"Harry?! Are you ready yet? We're gonna be late if you don't hurry up!" Louis shouted from the living room.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Harry said, coming out of the room while straightening his dress out.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Harry said, coming out of the room while straightening his dress out

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Harry looked up from his dress to see that Louis was looking hot in his black suit. His face heated up from his thoughts.

 His face heated up from his thoughts

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"You look hot." He slapped his hand on his mouth as soon as these words spill out of his lips, eyes widening. 

Louis looked up at Harry from where he was, wearing his shoes, on the sofa in the living room, and smirked at him. He stood up and walked towards Harry, stopping only a few inches away. He placed his hands on Harry's hips and pulled him closer. Harry tumble forwards, falling into him with his hands on Louis' chest. 

"Oh yeah? Well, you don't look bad yourself, Omega." Louis whispered in his ear, kissing his jaw afterward.

"L-louis, what are y-you doing? Y-you have a g-girlfriend." Harry whispered, closing his eyes and opening them again a few seconds later.

Louis pulled away from where he was kissing Harry's neck and looked into his eyes. 

"I don't. I've broken up with El."

"El? That's her name?" Harry asked with jealousy clear in his voice.

"Well, that's short for Eleanor," Louis replied. They still whispering while Louis holds Harry close to him.

"B-but why did you broke up with her, if you don't mind me asking?" Harry asked, a bit hesitant about if he should ask this or not. Eye contact between them, still not broken.

"Well, you see, I was thinking about the arrangement made by our parents. And it was wrong of me to treat you the way I did and me as your mate to not love you and give you the affection everyone deserves and get by their mates, as you weren't given a choice in this arrangement either. I was being selfish and only thinking about how it was not fair of them to not give me the choice in this decision. But then I realized that you were not given a choice either but you are still giving it chance. And I also saw how sweet and caring and loving you are with everyone, at dinner yesterday. It was wrong and unfair of me to deprive you of the love and affection you deserve. It was wrong of me and I'm sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me for it." Louis said, sincerity very much present in his voice.

Harry was smiling so big while Louis was talking and hugged him tightly after he finished.

"Of course, I forgive you. I understand why you were against the arrangement. I was the same before we met that day. I was so freaked out because I always wanted to find someone who would love me as much as I would love them and then have a happily ever after with them, like in the fairytales, you know. But then my mother made me understand that it was not the end of the world and I can give it a chance and have a happily ever after with you." Harry told Louis, chuckling lightly in the end and blushing. His words got a bit muffled as his face was press against Louis' chest.

Louis was a bit surprised at the words Harry had just said, but he hugged back.

"I like you, Harry. In the two days, that I have known you, you have some kind of effect on me, in a good way of course. And I promise you to give you your happily ever after." Louis said and pressed a little kiss into the omega's hair.

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