4. The First Dinner

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After waking up from a nap, Harry went downstairs to get some food. He saw a few people in the living room on his way to the kitchen. They were all laughing, joking around and having fun.

In the kitchen, Jay was preparing for dinner. "Hi Jay, do you need some help with the dinner?" Harry asked shyly.

"Oh, hello sweetie. Would you mind putting the pasta for boiling?"

"Okay." He nodded and got on with the work.

After an hour and a half, everything was ready. A few people have already sat at the big dining table in the dining hall when Jay and Harry entered with the food. The hall had four round grey tables with ten seats each. Jay told Harry to put the food on the table which looks a bit secluded by others and empty. She put the food she had on one table and told a girl to bring the rest of the food. The people on the table served themselves and started eating after thanking Jay for the food. 

Jay returned to where Harry was setting the secluded table. She helped him set the table.

"Jay, can I ask why is this table a bit secluded from the others?"

"This table, Harry, is for the Alpha of the pack and his family, meaning us. Liam and Niall sit with us too, they are Louis' best friends."

Harry nodded. After setting the table, Jay told Harry to call Louis downstairs while she calls the rest.

He went upstairs to Louis's room. When he was about to knock, he smelt something, a sweet smell, which can only be an omega's but he shrugged it off thinking someone must have walked past here. He knocked on the door twice and waited for Louis. He frowned, hearing hushed voices from inside the room; one voice, he recognized as Louis' obviously but the other voice, he couldn't recognize but it was a female's voice.

"Who is it?" Louis calls from inside.

"It's Harry. Your mum asked me to call you down for dinner."

"I'll be there in a few."


Harry went downstairs, thinking about the other voice in Louis' room. He entered the dining room, and while walking towards the table, he noticed that only two seats were empty now, which were next to each other. He blushed a little at thought of sitting next to Louis, which wasn't that much of a big deal but for Harry, it was, as Louis had told him that he will never love Harry and only show affection in public, which will obviously be fake.

He reached the table and sat down quietly, not wanting any attention on him. But it seemed impossible because as soon as he sat down, all eyes were on him. He blushed a bright red.

"Hi! You are Harry, right? Nice to meet ya! I'm Niall." A boy, whose hair was fake-blonde and brown roots, with bright blue eyes said, smiling brightly at hair.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you too, Niall." Harry replied, shyly.

"No need to be shy, dear. We are all family here. Oh, you haven't met the Alpha of the pack, this is Mark." Jay said to Harry, with a warm smile. Harry smiled back, his dimples popping out.

But, before he could say anything to him, there were shrieking sounds coming from Harry's left. He looked there to see two similar looking eleven-year-old girls staring at him with wide eyes and big smiles while saying, "He has dimples!".

"Harry, these are the twins, Daisy and Phoebe." Jay tells him, followed by a "Hi Harry!" by both the girls simultaneously. 

"And I'm Fizzy." A girl, who looks around fifteen years old, says from next to the twins.

"Hey Fizzy." He replied with a smile. He, then, noticed a blond girl who was sitting there with an annoyed expression, But before he could say anything, "What's for dinner, mum? I'm starving!" comes a voice, which Harry quickly recognize as Louis'.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Louis." Mark said sarcastically.

"Harry made pasta for us with his special recipe." Jay said before Louis could say anything to Mark.

"Yeah, Lou, this is the best pasta ever!" Niall exclaimed, making Harry blush from the compliment and Louis to roll his eyes. He loves when someone compliments him or his cooking.

"Harry, remember to pack your bags for tomorrow." Mark said.

Harry gave him a confused look, asking, "Pack my bags?"

"Louis didn't tell you?" Jay asked. Harry shook his head, so Jay continued.
"The couples, of this pack, Harry, don't live in the pack house. They live in their own house or flat so they can get their privacy. Only omegas who don't have a mate yet, or a few alphas in some cases, live in the pack house. Louis has bought a house a few days ago and you and Louis are going to live there. He has taken care of all the decor and furniture of the house, so you can get settled as soon as you are there."

"Oh, okay," Harry said, blushing a bit at the thought of him and Louis living together as a couple. And if you haven't caught up yet, then yes, Harry has developed feelings for Louis already.

"And, Harry, also we are organizing a party tomorrow where Louis will be declared the Alpha of the pack and you will be introduced as his soon-to-be mate and the Luna of the Tomlinson Pack," Mark informed Harry. He nodded in reply.

After that, everyone silently had dinner and returned to their room to have some rest for tomorrow's party.

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