11. Where is Harry?

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Louis, Liam, Zayn, and some other members were running around in the woods, trying to find Harry. Till now, they couldn't, and it was already nightfall. Louis was panicking badly at the thought of his mate being hurt.

"Louis, Liam, Zayn. Look, there are some kind of marks like something, or someone, was being dragged. And there's also a faint sweet scent." One of the members, Johnny, called from somewhere near Louis. He saw Liam going in a particular direction and followed him.

Louis reached where Johnny was and saw everyone at the dragging marks. He sniffed loudly to smell the faint scent, making everyone look at him. Louis knew the odor very well. He could distinguish it anywhere.

"It's Harry's scent! He was here!" He exclaimed.

"But what's with the dragging marks?" An 18 years old boy, Peter, asked.

"It must have been the Rogue Wolves. They don't have scents. That's why we can't smell them." Louis said, looking enraged.

"Let's see where these marks lead us," Liam said.

"Everyone, be prepared. We might have to face the Rogue Wolves where these marks end." Zayn warned. Everyone nodded. There were around fourteen people, including Louis, Liam, and Zayn.

Everyone followed the marks. And now they were standing in front of a big pile of boulders near a pond. 

"Look everywhere. See if you can find anything." Louis command commanded. Everyone started looking around the boulders. A couple of people even climbing them to find any clue. Louis was sniffing around, trying to find where Harry's scent was.

"They went in this direction. Anyone find anything?" Louis said after finding Harry's scent and then directed his question to everyone.

Everyone either said 'no' or shook their head.

"Let's go in this direction, then," Louis said.

He was leading everyone, sniffing once in a while, as he was the one who knew Harry's scent very well.

The scent led them to an abandoned house. They stopped a few feet away from the shunned house.

"This should be it," Liam said, eyeing the abandoned house warily.

"Be ready for anything that can happen. Keep your eyes and ears open. These are the Rogue Wolves we are talking about. We wouldn't know if they are near us or not as they don't have scents." Louis commanded, like the Alpha he was.

"Let's go, everyone. Let's go save our Luna." Zayn said, determined.

They started to walk towards the door, but we're stopped by a voice from behind followed by loud growls.

"Well, well, well. Look who do we have here."

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