Chapter 32

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*/The outfits are a suggestion. You can wear whatever you want. So please stop commenting about them it gets annoying. */

(To me)

I was standing outside the Salvatores house with Elena, who was the evil doer that dragged me all the way here. "God this is going to be so awkward!" I think as I watch Elena knock on the door. I felt as if I was going to puke as I watched the door open to reveal Damon. "Hello, Elena and (Y/N)" Damon greets as he stares at me, but I look away causing Elena to clear her throat.

"Stefan here? He called, said it was important." Elena states and I look back over to see him shift his gaze to Elena.

"Right this way." Damon says as Elena walks through the door and I follow after her only to feel his eyes on me once again. "I bet he pissed off that I didn't call him at all... Then I suddenly show up with my sister. God can my life get anymore complicated." I wonder as I look over to see Stefan walk towards us.

"Hey." Stefan greets and I hear the door shut so I look over at Damon and meet his gaze, which is full of confusion and a hint of anger. We stay like till Elena finally opens her mouth making me turn towards her.

"What is this about?" Elena asks and Stefan steps out of the way to reveal Rose.

"You." Elena and I chorused and I look between Damon and Stefan with uncertainty and a bit of anger.

"One of you liked to explain what the hell are kidnapper is doing here?" I ask, but they both stay quite. "She didn't seem like a bad person, but she still kidnapped us and was about to hand us over to Elijah..." I think as I glare at Rose.

(Time skip)

We are all sitting down except for Rose, who begin to explain. "Ok, you have to understand I only know hat I've picked up over the years. And I don't know what's true and what's not true. That's the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus, I know is real." Rose states and I felt my body pulsate as she said that name. "Klaus... Why does that name bring me warmth, but discomfort at the same time?" I wonder as I look up at Rose with confusion.

"Who is he?" Elena and I chorused.

"One of the Originals. He's a legend." Damon answers.

"From the first generation of vampires." Stefan adds ad I feel my heart shrink. "So it's another child... Is he the one with the curse?" I wonder.

"Like Elijah." Elena questions.

"No. Elijah was the Easter Bunny compared to Klaus. He was a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose states and I look away from them.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest." Stefan declares. "Great so I'm supposed to kill the oldest vampires even though I am the reincarnation of their Mother... That's 7 shades of fucked up!" I think as I putt my hand to my head.

"Ok, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the History of time is coming after me?" Elena asks.

"Yes." Rose answers.

"No." Stefan answers as the same time as Rose.

"What they're saying is- I mean. If what she's saying is true..." Damon trails off.

"Which it is." Rose affirms.

"And you're not just saying it so we don't kill you..." Damon trails off once more.

"Which I'm not." Rose confirms.

"Then we're lookin' at a solid maybe." Damon states and I then chuckle.

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