Chapter 42

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I quickly sat up from Damon's bed as I felt a massive vampire presence and a familiar one at that. "It can't be!" I think as I turned over to see Damon still asleep. Getting out of the bed slowly as to not wake him I walk out of the room, but then dashed down the stairs as the vampire presence grew stronger. Making it down to the cellar I see the door that we kept Elijah in was wide open. I slowly made my way over to see Elena beside Elijah's body with the dagger in her hand. "Elena what the hell are you doing!?" I exclaim as Elijah's body quickly moved along with the cracking of his body causing me to race over to Elena as Elijah stands up, but he was breathing heavily. "Why the hell did she pull out the dagger?!" I think as I stare up at Elijah.

"I can't- I can't breathe! What's happening to me?" Elijah asks as he rushes over to the door, but he is unable to. Elena rushes over to him and grabs him. "I can't... I can't be in this house." Elijah breathes.

"He hasn't been invited in Elena." I state causing her to look over at me.

"You need to get me out of here." Elijah declares as Elena lets go of him and he rams into the wall, but then vamp speeds away.

"You owe me a big explanation." I glare at Elena, who turns to me.

"First we need to make sure he got out of the house." Elena says.

"Why? Now we have to deal with Elijah and Klaus!" I declare, but Elena ignores me and rushes up the stairs. "Is she really that determined to die?" I wonder as I race after her. Making it over to the front door I see Elijah outside the front door on the ground and I walk over. Elijah quickly stands up and goes to step inside the house, but is repelled and he glares over at us.

"What happened?" Elijah questions.

"Shh!" I sound as I point to my ears and then to the ceiling. "I can't have them knowing about Elijah until I found out what the hell Elena's thinking." I think.

"I'll tell you. Not here. Can I trust you?" Elena asks while whispering.

"Can I trust either of you?" Elijah questions while whispering as well, but they both go quiet for a moment.

"Give him the dagger!" I declare whispering and Elena looks at me for a moment, but then hands it to him. "Maybe he can help us figure out a solution to save both Bonnie and Elena..." I think as he slowly takes the dagger from Elena.

(To Damon)

"Good morning." Damon greets, but then turns around only to see there's no one laying beside him. "I wonder where she ran off to?" Damon questions as he gets up and walks out of the room.

"Elena!" Stefan's voice sounds through the house as he is rushing down the stairs. Damon walks down the stairs after him, but Stefan quickly turns to him with a confused expression. "Hey, where's Elena?" Stefan asks.

"I don't know... I haven't seen (Y/N) either." Damon answers as Stefan pulls out his phone and outs it to his ear.

"Hey, it's me. Where are you and is (Y/N) with you? Call me." Stefan says into his phone and looks over at Damon.

"They may have went to see then witch, Stefan chill." Damon states as Stefan then begin to walk away, but turns to see a door open and walks through it. Causing Damon to rush after him down to the cellar to see Elijah's gone. "No, they didn't." Damon declares.

(To me)

I was riding in the back, while Elena was driving and Elijah was in the passengers seat drinking from a blood bag. Elena pulls over and then stops the car and turns to Elijah. "You look better." Elena states.

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