Chapter 2

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Two weeks later

I hadn't talked to Xavier since the literature session Two weeks ago and I also didn't see him that much maybe a time or two in the hallway and he wouldn't even look at me

Right now I'm putting my books in my locker to go to lunch

"Hey Riley" I turned to see luke standing beside me

Him and I have been great friends those last two weeks and he's also really sweet

"Hi Luke" I smiled

He looked alittle nervous

"Umm I was wondering and it's completely fine if you don't agree but will you go on a date with me" awww he's really cute

"No need to be nervous Luke, I would love to go on a date with you" I smiled and he let out a breath of relief

We both went to lunch

"Guys Riley and i are going on date!" Luke said as soon as we sat at our table

"Ah congrats my baby cousin is going on a date" Layla screamed

"You're only older with 3 months" I mumbled


Suddenly we heard something falling hard

We looked to see Xavier looking angry and a tray of food on the floor

This April girl tried to calm him down but he just pushed her and left the cafeteria

After a while things went back to normal and we started chatting again

I wanted to go to the restroom so I excused myself and left

After I came out of the bathroom I was pushed into a dark room I was about to scream but then the lights turned on and I saw Xavier with an angry face

"What?" I asked

"You're not gonna go out with him" he said trying to control his unsteady breath

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I HATE being controlled I was once controlled and I won't be again

I tried to push him off of me since he was caging me between him and the wall but it was no use he was stronger

"Listen Riley if you don't want his last day to be today you won't go out with him"

"Let me go" he was scaring me right now

He got out a gun from his pocket

"Tell him you won't go out with him or I'll kill him" I started crying and my breath was unsteady

"I-i-i'll tel-l him-m" I stuttered

"Wise choice now go tell him" I got out of the room with him hot on my tail

"L-luke i-i can't g-go o-out with-with you-u" I said as soon as entered the cafeteria

"What? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" His face was full of concern

"I-" suddenly arms were wrapped around me I already knew they were Xavier's and i started shaking

"Listen here! For anyone who even thought about asking Riley out you better stay away from her or I swear I'm gonna kill you" with that he exited the cafeteria

I fell on the floor and loud sobs escaped my lips

I was happy I left new York because I escaped him now Xavier is reminding me of him, I thought Xavier was nice

Suddenly my unsteady breaths disappeared and I wasn't able to breathe

Oh no

They haven't happened to me since I left him 2 years ago

"Riley it's okay calm down" Layla was beside me on the floor patting my back

She's the only one who knew about my panic attacks after my mom and dad

"Just focus on 5 things you see"

I saw the table, the benches, the food trays, my bag and a strand of my hair that fell on my face

My breath started to become steady

After a while I went back to normal

"Don't think about him" she whispered in my ear

I know she was talking about him

We sat back at our table and started talking again like nothing happened

After a while I saw April girl walking out

Probably to go check on Xavier


My subconscious yelled at me

"I have cheer practice today so are you going to wait until I finish or do you want someone to take you home?" Layla asked me

She's in the cheer team

"No, it's fine, I'll just stay" I answered

I'll just do some of my homework until she finishes practice


It has been 3 hours since Layla's practice started, I finished all my homework and now I was bored as hell

I asked her about 25 minutes ago when will she finish and all she said was soon

I heard someone sitting beside me on the bench

"Riley" Xavier said

N-no I don't wanna sit with him he's-he's too much like him

I sent Layla a text massage saying I'll go to the bathroom incase she gets worried then I picked up my bag and started walking to the bathroom

"I know you're mad at me and probably scared but I swear Riley I didn't mean it I swear on my sister's life I didn't mean it I don't know what happened I-" he stopped when I entered the ladies bathroom and closed the door in his face

I went to the sink and washed my face

"Riley please" seriously? Did he just enter the ladies room
"Get out" I tried sounding harsh but it came out barely above a whisper

"Please just let me drive you home and I'll explain everything" he looked at me with pleading eyes

"I'll give you one chance just one and if you mess it up I don't wanna ever see you again" I looked at him with warning eyes before getting out my phone,

I texted Layla I found a ride home and then walked to the parking lot alittle behind Xavier

Was it right to give him a second chance?

He could kidnap me for all I know

He opened the door for me

He had a bugatti centodieci

Wow he's rich

He sat in the driver's seat then started the car

And from here the ride of hell started

It's not that good but I'm learning

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