Chapter 22

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Riley's pov:

"Tyler stop this, you're sick! you and Xavier! You can't keep me here against my will!" I yelled banging on the locked door of the bedroom

"It's for your safety Riley I'm sorry but if you can't see you're in danger we'll have to keep you safe in our own ways" I heard Tyler say from behind the door

"Ok fine....give me my phone I wanna call Xavier" I stopped the banging

"I'm afraid I can't do that" huh?

"Tyler give me the damn phone!" I yelled

Stupid Tyler


It's mean but I have an idea

Bet it's gonna work

I threw the glass of water I had on the table on the ground making the glass Shatter

"Riley are you okay?" Tyler barged into the room looking at me worridly

"I think I hurt my leg" he ran to me

"Where?" He looked all over me trying to search for anything hurt

"Uh..." we were so close right now

Perfect for my plan

I placed my lips on his

No sparks, no special feeling, nothing

I didn't expect anything though

Tyler stood shocked for a moment before kissing back

I went along with my plan and pushed him on the bed still kissing him

My hands explored his clothes trying to find my phone

I found it in his jacket's inside pocket

I snuck my hand inside the jacket still distracting him with the kiss

I took my phone and smiled a victory smile before pulling away from him

"Got it" I smirked at him

"I'm dead" Tyler whispered

"Why? do you like me Ty?" I asked amused

"This was a good kiss but get over yourself you're not my type Riley" he smiled tightly at me

"Then why didn't you pull away?"

"Like I was a good kiss but now....fuck you...I'm gonna get killed" he got up


"If Xavier sees what happened in the cameras I'm dead" Xavier has cameras here? Well too bad Tyler

"Do whatever you want Riley but there are sixteen guards all around the building so show me how you can leave....I'll get going" he left the room

Like Xavier has nothing better to do than check his boring penthouse Cameras

I rolled my eyes and opened my phone

I already know I was drugged....Layla that stupid girl

Aunt Linda called me and I answered immediately

"Riley....I hope you come back from New York soon honey Layla told me it was urgent" mhm...

"Uh yeah it was...I'll be back soon don't worry"

"Okay honey take care and call me when you can"

"Ok bye!" I hung up

It's so boring here...

I decided to roam around the house alittle
Xavier's pov:

I was taking a break from work when Tyler texted me

'Your girlfriend kissed me'  it read

'What the fuck are you saying??' I texted him back

He sent me a video a few minutes later with a text attached to it 'that's the video from one of the cameras I got it from your security room, I decided to tell you for you to know SHE kissed ME and not even romantically she was tricking me to take her phone....I'll leave you to watch the video'

After I watched the video my room was completely destroyed with holes all over the walls

" know quite the collection you have there....what do you wanna call it? Xavier's fist marks all over my expensive walls?" Alessandro came into my room with Jasmine sleeping on his shoulder

"fuck off" I kept pulling at my hair

"I know this behavior....when Bianca left me that letter I was so close to burning this house down...especially the room she's sleeping in right since you didn't judge me when I went to Bianca I'll be kind too...I won't judge you can vent about your stupid girl" I eyed him warily as he went and sat on the couch making sure not to wake Jasmine up

"What the fuck is up with you?" I narrowed my eyes at my brother

What evil magic spell did Bianca use to make him like this?

"guarda il tuo atteggiamento quando parli con me fratello" he narrowed his eyes back

(watch your attitude when talking to me brother)

How can Riley do that to me?!

"Riley kissed Tyler" Caleb is always fighting with Layla and April is Tutoring Luke her dream and I really need to tell someone...even if it's Alessandro

"You know I actually admire women...they hold so much power on us men and they don't even know it....don't worry fratello you'll learn to not need them and be more powerful like me one day...but until then...just go get drunk or something cheaters are so disgusting ugh" he made a sour face

There are these rare moments where Alessandro acts a bit like brother not a mafia leader

"She didn't cheat though...we're not together and she kissed Tyler to distract him and take her phone" I mean...I'd like to think she's mine but I'm the one that left her

"Foolish boy! Don't make excuses for her!" Does he love seeing me away  from her that much?

"Alessandro I'm going back to California tomorrow...I need to see her and get her back because someone made me leave her in the first place" I smiled tightly at him

"I was right and I still am....she's gonna destroy you" he played with Jasmine's hair

I think he forces her to sleep I swear she's always asleep when she's with him

"Says the one who has his ex in a room upstairs!" Good job me that's a good come back

"Ok....fair point" he sighed and stayed silent a minute before talking again "I'll make you a deal" huh?

"What deal?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest

"I won't kill Riley and I'll allow you to be with her on one condition"

"What condition?" I looked at him

"You get her here....she'll stay with you here in Italy"


I know I promised a long chapter but cmon it's such a good ending for the chapter!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Which character pov do you like the most?

If you get the votes on this chapter to 20 votes before next Wednesday I'll update next Thursday

Hugs and kisses 💋


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