Chapter 7

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(the amazing Julia Roberts as aunt Linda)

(This chapter will mainly be about Caleb and Layla 'don't worry we won't have many chapters about these two again' )

"What? You thought you could hide it?" Aunt Linda asked after Layla drank water

"It wasn't that I was hiding it mother" Layla replied playing with her food

"Then?" Aunt Linda raised her eyebrows at her daughter

"I didn't feel the need to tell you, after all he's just my ex"

"Just your ex? Your Aunt told me before she died. You aborted the child! Also it wasn't hard to notice the bump you were what, six months pregnant?" What the hell is happening

"Can someone tell me what happened?" I looked at my Aunt and cousin

"I'll tell you. Your cousin here was pregnant, she didn't know until Caleb broke up with her. After she found out she didn't tell me, she only told your mother and she took the decision to abort the child. That's what happened! Your mother told me before the accident with a week and I kept quiet. But now that the father is back I think he has the right to know Layla aborted his child without even telling him"

"He broke up with me! How was I supposed to tell him? I was angry at him and i-i regret aborting my child everyday" Layla sobbed

"You killed an innocent child Layla, just because you were angry at his father! You didnt even tell Caleb you killed his child! I don't know how your Aunt agreed with what you did! I didn't expect my own daughter to be that selfish! Oh and tell Caleb or I will. He deserves to know what you did" Aunt Linda stood up and started walking up the stairs

"Why? Why should I tell him? He broke my heart mother! Why don't you care about me?" Aunt Linda turned

"I'll never forgive you for killing my grandchild before he was even born" with that she disappeared upstairs

I sat there not knowing what to do

That's alot to take in

"Riley? I'm not selfish right? I-i'm too young to have a child and have it with someone who broke me" Layla looked at me with tears in her eyes

"I don't know Layla but Aunt Linda is right you should tell Caleb" with that I too went up stairs

I grabbed my phone and dailed Xavier

"Hey, I didn't know you can miss me this fast"

"Shut up and listen. Come to my house immediately I'll change and wait outside"

"Why? Is everything okay?" He asked worridly

"Everything is fine, just come fast, bye" I hung up and changed into a purple hoodie and black leggings

I went downstairs to find Layla gone, she's probably in her room

I got outside and stood there waiting for Xavier

Wow I didn't think that my cousin would do something this cruel but I can't see it from her perspective. I mean when Caleb broke up with her it broke her heart, she wasn't thinking straight. We can't blame her. I think it's more of a Caleb problem he did break up with her without a valid reason

I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Xavier riding a motorcycle

"Hop on" he said

"Ok totally not the time, here I was wanting to talk to you about something serious and you come here with a motorcycle and dressed all black? You completed the hot bad boy look-" he cut me off

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