Chapter 21

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"I-" he cut me off

"Get your pretty little ass to my house right this instant Riley" Rude much

"Oh Xavier how are you? I'm fine thanks for asking I have to go though I have homework to do say hi to Jasmine for me bye" I hung up




I answered my phone as it rang again "........Riley...did you just hang up on me?"

"Me? Oh God no Olive did" I rolled my eyes

"I'm not in the mood for your stupid games I'm not playing with you right now I have things to do....put whatever you need in a bag and go outside Tyler is waiting" Excuse me?!

"Who do you think you are telling me what to do Xavier king?!" Unbelievable

I mean I did miss him tho...

"Riley I'm the one in all this and I know how Austin is thinking so just fucking listen to me and go to the house" no...

"I told you I don't like anyone to tell me what to do"


Is that a girl's voice?

"Xavier what's this are you with a girl?"

"Go to the house Riley or I'll make Tyler get you there with his own ways....I have to go"

"Xavier no wai-" he hung up

Someone knocked on the door not even waiting for come in the door opened revealing Tyler

I furiously threw my pillow at him "fuck you Tyler I'm not going anywhere with you" I put the blanket over my face

"I'd hate to get you there by force" he sighed

"Force yeah" I snorted

Layla suddenly came in

"Hey um can you taste this....?" She came in with a spoon

"Why?" I looked at the soup on the spoon

"Caleb left, I feel like throwing up and I need to know if it needs salt" I shrugged putting the spoon in my mouth

"No it's perfect" I reassured her nervous face handing her the spoon

She smiled and left

"So you're not coming?" Tyler raised an eyebrow

"No" I rolled my eyes

"I'll be outside" he announced leaving

I rolled my eyes at him and Xavier

God I hate Xavier He's such a dickhead

I thought sleepily

With this last thought sleep took over me
Xavier's pov:

It better be fucking important Bianca

I went to her room and she was just sleeping

Having a nightmare probably

Not my fucking problem

I went to Alessandro's office

"Your girlfriend is having a nightmare" I really fucking hate that even if I was a dick to Riley I hung up because of stupid Bianca

I missed Riley's voice

"Good for her" he clenched his jaw

"Oh please stop with the tough act we both know you want to run to her room so just go.....tell you what? I'll be kind, I won't judge you" I really want him to get his shit together with Bianca maybe then I can go back to Riley

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