Chapter 13

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I stayed silent for a moment, just blinking "What do you mean? We're in a plane how are we kidnapped?"

"The Pilot he's with Austin he's not taking us back home Riley" he's kidding

"You've got to be kidding me Xavier! You told me to not worry about Austin! You told me he isn't a threat to you!" He should've told me if he didn't think he was able to protect me

"I know what I said but get over yourself Riley! Not everything is about you, he kidnapped us because he wants something from me not you. If he wanted you he would've taken you a long time ago but because you're under my protection which you don't seem to like very much and are blaming me for the lack of now he didn't take you so just shut up and leave me to find a way to get us out of this" he calmy but deadly said

He's so selfish

I was worried about him and here he is telling me to shut up

Heart we need to have a talk to why you like a straight A asshole

"Yeah ok I'll shut up and leave you to think i really hope your brain explodes from thinking" I muttered the last few words and looked out of the window again

He ignored me and took out his phone

"Hey Joey I need you and the men to be ready for when I land" he hung up

He looked at me "Done"

I raised my eyebrow and looked at him in disbelief "Done?" I repeated

"Yeah Done it's Austin we're talking about he's weak just a few men can take him down" He said and sat down

We stayed silent for a few minutes

Maybe I was alittle bitchy

He did protect me and he didn't have to

But no he was rude

Agreeing with myself I stayed silent for the rest of the ride

When we were landing Xavier called the Joey guy to make sure he was there

After the plane landed I was about to head to the door but Xavier pulled me back and shook his head

I huffed and sat back in my seat

After that everything happened so fast

The Pilot and another guy ran towards us with guns in their hands

Xavier knocked one guy out and took his gun then took another gun out from his pocket but he didn't kill the other guy he aimed the gun at his leg and shot that same moment men came surrounding the plane

Xavier's eyes found mine and relief was visible through his eyes

He pulled me to his chest and quickly got me out of the plane leaving all those guys fighting in the plane

"Mr King" a guy that looked in his late 30s approached us

"Good job Joey" even Xavier was rude the guy seemed happy with the response he got

"Is my car ready?" Xavier asked still holding me to his chest

"Yes sir" Xavier nodded once Joey's way then left

As soon as we got in Xavier car and he drove off everything came to me in a 3d picture

We were kidnapped

Xavier killed a guy and shot the other one in his leg

Men jumped on the plane and started fighting

We could've died

My eyes widened when I realized I couldn't breathe

I tried controlling my panic attack but I couldn't and Xavier noticed and immediately parked the car at the side of the road and pulled me in his lap hugging me

"Hey Riley you're fine Riley breathe out, you're fine, you're safe I got you Riley you're safe" after a while I took control of my breathing but felt so tired I snuggled into Xavier's chest and had no control over myself when my eyes closed

The last thing I felt was Xavier kissing the crown of my head

"What did you do to her?" I heard a voice say but I was too comfortable and snuggled deeper into the warmth I felt

"Oh cmon Layla don't be dramatic she just fell asleep" my bed vibrated

"If my daughter wasn't sleeping upstairs I would've yelled at you come in and take her to her room" the bed moved and I whined but still didn't open my eyes

"Where's her room?"

"I don't know search!"

"You're so annoying"

My bed started moving

I heard a door open and after a minute I was placed on a mattress


Doesn't matter this is comfy too I snuggled into my new bed

I felt a kiss behind my ear followed by a whisper of 3 words I didn't think much of it and fell asleep again

Xavier's pov:

Did I just tell Riley that I love her?


Do I regret it?

Absolutely not

I ignored Layla's dirty looks and entered my car and headed to my penthouse

I missed my little sister

Should I stay away from Riley?


Am I going to?

Maybe if I have enough self control

"Jazzy I'm home" I walked around trying to find her

Where is she?

"Jazzy?" I was about to go upstairs but my phone ringing stopped me

"Yes Marc?" Ugh I hate this guy

"Boss Austin fisher flew to Paris"

"Do you know why?"

"I'm working on it"

"Well then don't fucking call until you find why" I spat and hung up

"Jasmine!" I yelled

Still no answer

I sighed and went up to her room

"Jas-" I stopped when I saw who was inside with her

"Hello brother"

The 'hello brother' line gives me TVD vibes don't ya think?

Anyway you're probably gonna hate me because I promised a long chapter but cmon I had to stop at this line it would've been such a waste if I didn't stop on such a good cliffhanger

I make Xavier and Riley argue alot because let's be real no relationship forms out of the blue

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I hope you did


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