Chapter 9

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"I love you"

I rolled my eyes "You sure do" I said sarcastically

"Riley behave" with a glare from him he shut me up

"You don't love me Austin it's more like you love owning me"

"I miss you, i miss coming home seeing you cooking in the kitchen, cleaning the rooms or even sitting on the couch watching TV"

"You locked me up what else did you expect me to do?"

" I wanted to kill King when I saw how you hid behind him from me"

"You know Austin? I don't miss you at all, I loved when you left the house because I didn't have to be scared you might come and decide to rape me, I cooked and cleaned because you threatened me with my family, you forced the I love you out of my mouth everytime. You took my virginity by force and for that I won't ever forgive you. You made me your doll. You told me to do that, to go there, to act like that and I just complied. It was a toxic relationship and now you want to do that to me again? No way in hell would I fall for the same trick twice" I wiped a tear that fell on my cheek

"Oh stop being dramatic, yes I own you I can see you're still scared of me, good we'll keep it that way because just in a few days you'll be coming back with me" I shook me head

"Yes my dear flower you will" I shivered not the good way at his words

He took me back home and I couldn't sleep that night

"Riley get uppp" Layla said

I sat up in bed and glared at her "Caleb and I are going on a date, Olive is with Xavier he probably hates her right now so go get her I'll get going bye" she dropped the bomb and left

It's been 3 months since I last saw Austin Xavier said he might have returned to New York

I got dressed and took Layla's car to Xavier house

After I entered the house I saw the cutest sight ever

Olive was laying on Xavier and they were both asleep on the couch

Olive was laying on Xavier and they were both asleep on the couch

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I slowly moved around until I arrived at Jasmine's bedroom

"Riri" Jasmine squealed

"Hey Jasmine what are you doing?"

"I'm drawing look that's mom that's dad that's xavi and that's me I'm the tallest one" I laughed

"Let's go make pancakes" she said getting up

"Now?" I raised as eyebrow at her

"Yes let's go"  she pushed me out of the room

We went downstairs and passed the living room to go to the kitchen but Jasmine stopped and looked at Xavier and Olive

"Xavi doesn't love me anymore" her lips quivered

Oh no

She started crying

"Jasmine no of course he loves you" I tried telling her but she just continued crying

The crying woke Xavier up "What the-" he walked to us with Olive still sleeping in his arms

"Hold this little devil" he gave Olive to me and kneeled infront of his sister

"What's wrong jazzy?"

"You don't love me anymore"

He glanced at me "she saw you sleeping with Olive" I explained

"Where were you going Jaz?"

"I was going to go make pancakes!" Her eyes lightened up

"Well let's go make pancakes" the sight infront of me was too cute
I was walking across the kitchen to the living room when I heard Xavier from the hallway

"What do you mean?"

"Fucking solve it David"

"By tomorrow if this isn't solved consider yourself dead"

"What do you mean it was Caleb's problem?"

"Then fucking solve it with him not me"

"Yes tomorrow if he doesn't kill him"


I got my bag and Olive's bag and left the house

"Aww Oli come to grandma" I rolled my eyes and gave Olive to aunt Linda and went to my room

My phone rang

What is it with my phone ringing in my room?

It was my cousin Aiden

"Hey Aiden"

'We kind of have a problem and you need to fly to New York'


A very short chapter but it's a filler chapter

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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