Chapter 27

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This chapter is all about April/Layla/Caleb

April's pov:

I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell

A few seconds later a cute Luke with messy hair and grey shirt opened the door and when he saw me he smiled showing his cute dimples

I stood there staring at him for a few seconds

God I wanted to remember every detail on that face so clearly like it has been printed in my head

"Hey, you didn't tell me you were coming, come in" he smiled and opened the door wider

When I stepped in, he closed the door and started walking and I followed like a lost puppy

Apparently his destination was the kitchen

I leaned against the door as I watched him flex his muscles

I can't believe I'm in his house

I've been coming to his house alot since I've started tutoring him and one day I was explaining something to him, one second I was talking then the other his lips were on mine

After years of dreaming I finally had his attention

And now i just had to leave him

But I'll probably just leave for a week or two, a month at most

But if my brother catches me I'll probably never see Luke again

So it's necessary to tell him goodbye

"-April?" My thoughts were cut off when I heard Luke saying my name

Shit he asked me a question

"...uh yeah" I blushed looking down

What did he ask again?

"Oh Really?" He laughed

That's good right?

He's laughing that means I didn't fuck up right?

"Pfffft totally" if he's laughing then I'll go along with it because his laugh is adorable

"I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you because my parents are home so I can't" he chuckled

Shit what did he ask?

"Can't?" he handed me water and I took a sip

"Have sex with you" I spit all the water that was in my mouth

"Sorry" I cringed at the mess I made

"It's fine" he pulled me away from the kitchen and told a maid to clean the water I spilt

Yes he's rich rich

We went up to his room and I sat down on his bed

"So what brings you here? Really this time?" He chuckled

"I'm leaving to Italy for a few weeks" I blurted

"...oh" he messed with his hair

"I don't know when I'll be back...or if I'll be back" I whispered the last part but I think he heard

"That means our sessions are over?" He scratched the back of his neck

"Temporarily yes" I pressed my lips in a tight line

"Ok...have a safe flight then" he flashed me his charming smile

"I will, thanks luke" I gave him a smile of my own

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