Chapter 8

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"Riley breathe it's okay it's fine" Xavier was beside me in a second trying to calm me down

But I couldn't

He's here

He is here

I tried steadying my breath and after what felt like ours I was able to breathe again.

"Are you okay?" Xavier asked worriedly, I nodded

I looked at Austin

Who had humor in his eyes


"I see I still have the same effect on you my dear flower" he kneeled infront of me

"Wait you know Riley?" Xavier asked confused

"I know her very well" he smirked taking a hold of my chin

Austin fisher, my worst nightmare

"Leave me alone" I said turning my head but his hold on my chin tightened and he turned me to look at him again

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"Leave me alone" I said turning my head but his hold on my chin tightened and he turned me to look at him again

"Well I sure did search for you alot" he mumbled

"Why? Didn't you ruin me enough to satisfy your sick needs?" I spat

"Drop the attitude Riley" he looked sternly at me

He's the person I'm scared of the most in life, he practically ruined me

"Now why don't you come back with me like a good girl?" He raised an eyebrow at me



Not again

With all my might I pushed him away and hid behind Xavier

"What the fuck" Xavier whispered

"Please make him leave" I looked at him with pleading eyes

Xavier cleared his throat and stood up

I stood up too but took a hold of his shirt making sure he won't leave me

He glanced at me then took my hand that was on his shirt and pulled me to him and wrapped his arm around my waist

"Mr fisher you may leave" He looked at Austin who too stood up

"Very well Mr King I await your reply" he nodded at Xavier

Before he entered the elevator he stood beside me

"Bye flower I'll get you back just wait" My body started shaking he laughed a psychopathic laugh and left

Xavier and I stayed silent for a while

"Do you wanna talk?" I shook me head

"I'm not ready but please I'll do anything but don't let him take me back" I pleaded

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