Chapter 32

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"oh mio Dio!! tu sei la signorina che il giovane signor King ha portato a casa! Sei bellissima signorina!" An old woman came in my room after knocking and waiting for my 'come in' 

It's the next morning and I've been in this room all morning well until she came in

Um....what on earth did she just say...?

(oh my goodness! you're the young lady young Mr King brought home! You're beautiful Miss!)

"...Okay?" Listen old lady I can't even understand you that's what I meant to say

"My apologies, Mr King did not mention you not know Italian sorry my English is not very good, but what I was saying is you're a very good lady" she smiled at me

Good? Ok

"Thank you..." I dragged on waiting for her to introduce herself


"Thank you Mirella" I smiled

"Signor King told me to come tell you that breakfast is ready downstairs" Oh food I thought they forgot about me

"Thank you Mirella can you lead the way to downstairs?" I stood up awaiting

I'm hungry people

"Certo!" She walked out of the room with a behind her

(Of course)

We walked downstairs and went unto what I assume is a dining room before Mirella left

Alessandro was sitting at one end of the table while Jasmine sat at the other end wearing a frown, April sat beside Jasmine and Tyler who I didn't know was here sat beside Alessandro

Where's Xavier?

I sat down beside Jasmine on the other side and infront of April

As if April knew what I was thinking she answered "Xavier had work, he left early" or did he just not want to see me?

I thought

Whatever I don't care I should be ignoring him

I filled my plate with some food that layed on the table and we ate in silence for a few minutes, well April, Jasmine and I ate in silence, Alessandro and Tyler were speaking in Italian about something that made Tyler excited

I leaned across the table and asked April "why isn't Bianca here?" I mean...are they keeping her a prisoner or something? Why doesn't she eat?

"She eats in her room, Alessandro's orders" April replied taking a sip of her coffee

I nodded and went back to eating

"Jasmine, your teacher has arrived go to your study room now" poor girl she doesn't get to live a normal life at her age

Jasmine huffed and looked at her food continuing to eat

Damn...children drama...

"Jasmine go to your teacher" Alessandro said threateningly well not so threateningly playfully more like it, enough to scare a child

"I'll finish my food first" she stuffed her face with a strawberry

"Yes sure sweetheart we'll just keep the teacher waiting...go to her and eat when you finish the session" Jasmine huffed again and sipped on her chocolate milk

Unfair privileges, I wish I could test Alessandro like that I'd be dead before huffing the second time

"Jasmine King Do not test me if I get up you won't like what I do, I'm going to count till three and after that I better not see your face in this room, one...two..." He didn't need to continue because Jasmine was out of the room

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