Chapter 11

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I froze in my place

Is he following me around?

"Riley are you okay?" Lilly asked in a concerned tone

"I'm fine" I smiled reassuring at her

"Liar" Bryce muttered as he dragged Lilly and I to the exit

But of course Austin approached us

"Bryce! It's been quite a while since I last saw you" Bryce rolled his eyes and turned to Austin

"I heard you plotted with him against me" Austin stated

Who's him?

"I want you dead Austin and he is stronger than both you and me and you know it you're just denying it" Bryce glared at Austin

"Damn I miss the days you used to fear me" Austin sighed

"It's all in the past now" Bryce started walking again

"Amelia is a beautiful girl don't you agree Bryce?" Bryce stopped in his tracks

"Leave her out of this Austin" He warned

"Tell your leader to leave me alone and no harm will come to your little girlfriend" Austin shrugged then winked at me

I mentally gagged

Bryce dragged Lilly and I and left the shop

We were in Bryce's car he was driving me home

My phone rang and of course it was Xavier


" I heard you saw Austin are you okay?"

"I'm okay" I smiled


"You're cute"

"Stop I told you I'm not cute I'm handsome and manly" I laughed

"Ok Mr handsome"

"I like this nickname" I again laughed

"I'm at your house" he announced

"But we agreed on 8"

"I couldn't wait" i smiled

"I'm close to arriving but I have a question didn't my cousins eat you?"

They are REALLY protective

"Nope we are even best mates now"

"WHAT how?" I asked confused

"Special powers"


"Arrive fast"


I hung up

"I'm gonna be late" Bryce groaned

"Late on what?" I asked curiously

"His date with Amelia" Lilly answered grinning

"I was supposed to pick her up 6 it's 5:50" Bryce said

"Why don't you pick her up then drop Riley and you can drop me off at her house and I'll make one of her cousins drive me back home" Lilly suggested

Bryce stayed silent for a moment

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