Chapter 20

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Alessandro's pov:


I thought i had no regrets in this lifetime

But now looking at the woman who broke my heart into a million pieces and turned it into ashes that faded with the wind

I realize I do

Her green turned grey eyes looked at me with so many fake emotions but the one that stood out the most was adoration

They say only a fool falls for the same trick twice and I'm certainly not a fool

"Alessandro" She whispered

Her acting skills were always good I must say

I saw Xavier watching cautiously waiting to save the day if I do anything

I simply looked at her with no emotions my eyes colder than ice something I've mastered doing the last few years

A tear escaped her eye as she ran across the room to where I was now standing and wrapped her arms around me

I stood still for a moment making her get confused but she still kept hugging me

I rolled my eyes and winked at Xavier who was probably already planning how he's gonna tell Bianca's family she died then wrapped my arms around her tightly not a friendly hug though more like a suffocating one not enough to actually suffocate her though

I placed a kiss on her left ear before whispering in it "I'm not going to kill you Bianca, I'm going to make you kill yourself" her body froze and I tore my body away from hers and yelled for the guards who appeared in less than a second

I held Bianca by her elbow not tightly to bruise but definitely tight enough to hurt "take her to the room on the third floor the last room on the left and two guards should stand outside the door and lock it, do not allow her to leave until l tell you otherwise. Am I clear?" I said strictly feeling the blood leave Bianca's face from the corner of my eyes

"Yes boss" said the five guards standing infront of me

I pushed Bianca their way "and don't try to touch her, if I hear you even touched her arm accidentally I'm not going to bother even burying you after torturing your lifeless body" After another set of 'yes boss' they left with Bianca in the middle, all five of them surrounding her but not touching her

Silence was thick in the air only the sound of my jaw ticking was heard

"You'll make her kill herself? We both know you'd kill the whole world before that happens" Xavier shuffled around and came and stood infront of me "hear her explanation Alessandro don't lose her twice....we both know that it'd completely end you" he dropped something on my desk before leaving

I sighed and turned to my desk to see what he dropped

It's the necklace...

I searched for it everywhere and the fucker had it with him

I shook my head and placed it in my deck drawer and turned back to my paper work

But was I focused enough to do

Doesn't mean I didn't do it though I was just a bit....distracted

At around 4 am I got up and went to her room

After a couple of whiskey glasses I was definitely not that sober

I entered the room and found her asleep on the bed

How the fuck is she sleeping shouldn't she be worried that maybe I don't know that maybe I'll kill her?

This woman manages to confuse me with everything she does

This room...

I got this house for the two of us I planned to surprise her on our anniversary but she surprised me first....a surprise I'll never forget or forgive her for

I designed this room for the both of us

I don't think I've ever sat a whole 10 minutes in this room since it was designed

I looked at her sleeping figure

Fuck I missed her too much

Too fucking much

I took a deep breath and wiped the tear that fell on my cheek

I won't cry for her

Not again

I looked at her for a few more minutes then left the room and entered mine that just happened to be the room right beside hers

Was I even thinking when I told the guards to get her here?

I closed my eyes as the memories of us haunted my mind until I fell asleep

Riley's pov:

"Hey um Riley are you available for a moment?" I looked at Tyler and nodded slowly

"So um how do I say this? You're moving" I blinked

I'm not in the mood for you Tyler

Ever since Xavier left Tyler stayed with us at the school and we actually became good friends

But that doesn't mean I'm in the mood for his jokes

"Come again?" I looked for in my bag

Now where did I put that damn phone

"Um yeah Austin kinda broke into your house earlier today so it's not safe Xavier told me to make you move to his house" that damned man talks to Tyler but not me?

"Well if he wants something he should personally say it to me" I smiled tightly at Tyler

"But he said-" I cut him off

"I have to get to class Tyler I'll see you later" now show me Mr King how are you gonna force me to move when you're miles away

"Caleb I can't with you anymore!" These two give me headaches so many times a day

Can't they just break up? They clearly fight alot more than they get along

"Just fucking listen! I'm a guy and I was at a party how on earth do except me to push a woman away that's bad! I can't push her that's abuse!" The fuck you mean man like women can't fight

Yes I'm that bored I'm listening and commenting on their fight downstairs

Olive is with Aunt Linda they went to visit Aunt Tiffany (the old neighbor who took care of Olive)

"You simply could've told her you're taken infact you're a fucking father" to be honest Layla yells but Caleb talks calmly

"I did, didn't I leave the whole party and came to tell you what happened? Can you please stop picking nonsense fights I'm sick of it Layla so fucking sick" why does he actually sound wise though-

"Fine Caleb" she sighed

Finally she lowered her voice

"I love you" Caleb said

"I love you too" ew now I assume they're kissing yuck

I turned to my phone as it was ringing

Unknown Caller ID

"Hello?" I answered

"Hello love"

Now we once ended with a Damon ending and now we're ending with a Klaus ending

Who do you think this is? Austin or Xavier?

What were your thoughts on this chapter?

Hugs but no kisses because it's cold these days and hugs are so nice and warm from me💞


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