Chapter 42

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Xavier's pov:

"What do you mean he hurt you? Who?! Alessandro?"

"My father" I spit it out "Alessandro never abused me, he hurt me sometimes to teach me how to defend myself but never abused me"

I shouldn't have gone when he asked but the stupid, childish part in me thought he might've missed me, he might've wanted to see me


"You moved out, you said you don't talk to them, god Xavier do you hear yourself?" Riley scanned my form for any damage

He's smart

He wouldn't hurt me somewhere visible

"He whipped my back with his belt, he used to do that when he had pent up anger after losing cases but I never expected he'd tell me to come over just to whip me" I chuckled humorlessly

Fucking psychopath

"That's psychotic Xavier you need to put him in jail" she hugged me tightly

I winced when her hand touched my back

The physical damage doesn't hurt it's pathetic but it's all about the mental damage

All I ever wanted in my life was for my father to accept me

He's scared shitless of Alessandro and he respects him

Hell he even loves him

But when it came to me, he always wanted me stronger, better, smarter

He always expected more of me

I learned to move past it but dear father decided to whip me because he felt like it

I was always scared he'd do something to Jasmine, that's why I moved out as soon as I could

Alessandro told me a hundred times to stand up to him and that he won't help me, I need to do it myself

But nothing ever worked

Guess I should thank God that she's with me right now

Couldn't have handled it if she decided to run in the opposite direction like she always does

"I'm just disappointed that I fell for it, that he wanted to see me" I wrapped my hand around her arms

Seeking the comfort

Alessandro would tell me to just suck it up

I'm glad I have Riley

Even if not fully

Riley's pov:

The poor boy made my heart hurt by just looking at him

He didn't deserve this, he just wants his father to love him

I entered the house still zoned out and didn't notice Waffle latching onto my leg

"Hey baby" I cooed, picking him up

He licked my cheek making me cringe alittle

"I have a big problem, think you can help me?" He looked up at me with his big eyes before putting his little paw on my shoulder "my... boyfriend had someone do something bad, very bad to him and I want him to know I'm there for him" he sniffed my neck "I don't want to back down this time, I want to be with him, think you can help me not run away?" he licked my cheek again

"Okay little guy I'll take that as a yes, we're going on a little trip" I turned back around and grabbed Waffle's leach

"Layla!" I called out

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