Chapter 38

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Xavier's pov:

I did not think she saw that

I did not at all

"God Riley I swear to God she didn't mean it-" stupid excuse

Of course she's mad

who wouldn't be

Take me as an example if I saw a guy touching Riley like Anastasia was touching me I would skin him alive

"She didn't mean what exactly? Which time did she not mean it Xavier? The time she leaned her head on your shoulder, took a hold of your arm, moved your hair out of your face or traced patterns on your fucking thigh?! Tell me which time did she not mean it? And all those times you sat there like an idiot with a stupid smile on your face" she laughed humorlessly

My mouth opened and closed a couple of times

For the first time in my life, I was speechless

I saw Caleb and Layla take Olive and leave the room from the corner of my eye for that I was thankful

We need the privacy

"She didn't mean any harm Riley, she's just a touchy person" I tried to justify pathetically

"You could've left her to do that if you were still single Xavier but you're not. And by what you just said you mean that if I knew a guy who's very touchy but 'never means any harm' I could let him touch me like she was touching you?" I straightened myself alittle and felt my eyes darken

It sounds way worse when she says it

"Absolutely fucking not" I said calmly trying to get the picture out of my head

"There, you have your answer then" she turned back to the dough "I need a break, I love you but...I don't know if I can do this right now, coming here with you was a mistake itself I don't even know you, you never even tell me anything and you just have so many secrets, I don't know if I can handle that, I'll go back with Layla tomorrow it's for the best" no

"You're not going back Riley" I laughed it off

Now that Alessandro finally told me I could be with her without him trying to harm her she wants to leave?


I don't think I'm capable of living without her anymore

"Well you don't get a say in this after what you did" she said without looking at me

"Look I don't know how thus works this is my first ever real relationship and I'm trying for you, but I'm bound to make a mistake or two while trying, I still don't fully understand how it works but I'm learning...with you, I'm sorry that I didn't recognize that Anastasia can't touch me like that while we were together, I didn't know it's bad...I didn't know it'll upset you but now that I know I won't let anyone touch me like that again...only you" she looked up at me with a sad smile

"That's good Xavier you're realizing your mistakes and apologizing but...I've grown so dependent on you that it physically hurts to think about leaving you, that's the problem I don't love myself when I'm not with you and...if I want us to last I need to fix it. whatever happened between us moved too fast just give me sometime okay? Without calling or texting or anything I just want to understand myself better and if what's between us is meant to be then you'll find me on your doorstep one day" I never understood the term 'I felt my heart twist in my chest' but I think that's what I'm feeling at the moment

She wants time....fuck okay she wants time

I'll give it to her, I understand she needs to find herself and all that shit okay okay

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