Chapter 23

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"Babe I'm home" I sighed and turned off the TV

"I'm in the living room" I yelled back unwillingly

I heard his footsteps and stared at the TV

"Hello my beautiful flower, have you been behaving?" He kissed my cheek and I kept staring at the black screen infront of me

"Yes" I replied quietly

"Did you clean the house?" He took off his jacket and placed it on the couch arm

"Yes" I yet again replied quietly

"Well that's good, what's for dinner?" He pulled me up from the couch and wrapped his arms around me



I screamed in my head hoping someone would hear my unspoken request

"I made pasta" I replied again trying to get away from his arms without angering him

But it was too late

"you foolish woman trying to get away from me are you?" He chuckled darkly


Please help me

Anyone please

But that was too late too

"I'll show you how to respect me! After tonight you won't even be able to move to leave my arms!" He claimed my lips forcefully

I kicked and screamed trying to push him away but his grip just tightened as he pressed his lips on mine shutting the screams that are trying to leave my body, the cries of help I beg to release

"I'll break your fucking legs if you try kicking me again Riley! You're MINE! Get that little flower? MINE COMPLETELY MINE and your duty is to serve me, to show me your sign of love" tears were the only thing that could escape because neither my screams or my body could be freed from this monstrous creature


but it was too late...

I felt my clothes get ripped off and I closed my eyes knowing what's about to take place

I opened my eyes noticing the sweat covering my body

Austin fisher...the nightmares are back

Mom used to stay with me when I have one

Until they eventually stopped coming

Where are you mom?

You're not here anymore to help me...

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