Chapter 29

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Alessandro's pov:

"No look you put that wittle thingy I don't know what it's called but you put it on the blue powder and then it makes a very pwetty flower" I stopped walking when I heard Jasmine's voice across the hall

"Awww that's so cute Jasmine good Job baby" Bianca?

I heard Jasmine giggle and scowled

What the fuck is she doing with that bitch

I barged into the room and saw Jasmine sitting on the bed with playdough in her hands and the whole kit on Bianca's bed

"Andro come look look at this beautiful flower" my eyes softened at her cuteness but my scowl returned when I saw Bianca

I swear she looks like a mummy from how much she lost weight

"What are you doing with Bianca Jasmine?" I didn't call her by her nickname making her frown

"Well I saw auntie bia sitting here all alone so i got my powder thingy to play with her" she looked down at the playdough in her hands

"You shouldn't have come here" I gave her a playful glare

I can't give her that damn deathly glare

"Am I in trouble?" She looked up with teary eyes making all my anger vanish at once

I went to the bed and picked her up "baby no of course you're not but tell me the next time you decide to come here okay?" She nodded and stuffed her head in my shoulder

I carried her back to her room and told her to rest alittle and I'll go get her playdough

I went back to Bianca's room my scowl returning

"Why the fuck did you let her come In?" I said standing infront of her

She gave me an unfazed glared "What am I supposed to tell her? I'm the bad guy don't sit with me? It's not like I did anything to her however I understand tha-" I cut her off my anger over flowing

"No you don't fucking understand, when the woman I trusted the most in my life decided to fucking leave me without an explanation when I treated her like a goddamn princess I'm not obligated to trust her ever again in my life and certainly not with my little sister, you should be grateful I didn't throw you out but you're just ungrateful you don't even fucking eat what? you want me to watch you die? Like I'll even care but If you're gonna starve yourself to death do it away from me and my house you goddamn cagna" I punched the closet making a hole

I couldn't yell because Jasmine would've came so I had to get my anger out in another way

I kept punching until my fingers couldn't move anymore and when that happened I punched with the other hand making them both drip blood on the floor

I felt her hand guide mine softly to the bed and pushing me to sit down and went to her bathroom

I didn't have it in me to push her off at the moment it's not like anything will happen but for one fucking day I wanna be cared for

Just one

Bianca came back with the first aid kit and sat beside me on the bed, she took a hold of one of my hands which were dripping blood on the white sheets underneath us and started to clean it

I took in her beautiful features, her straight nose, her full pink lips, her jade green eyes, the small little freckles all over her cheeks

She looked pretty pale and her face was thinning though

But to say I didn't miss her would be a big lie

But how could you possibly forgive someone for giving you the world then taking it all back?

She was my whole entire world, she was my first priority, she came even before myself

And then she just left

I went crazy, that day I got back home and didn't find her, that day I read that letter, that day I had the perfect day planned for her;for us, I was gonna propose for God's sake

And she just left

I watched her as she wrapped my first hand up and gripped the second one

She took a deep breath and looked up at me for a moment studying me before looking back down cleaning again

But this time she started talking "when I left I didn't have much food, all I ate at that time was crumbs of bread or small pieces of cheese, for years that's all I ate and some days I didn't eat anything at all, so after five years of all that when I see alot of food infront of me it just makes me want to throw up, it feels like it's wrong to eat that and I physically can't, my body got used to that little to no food I used to get, I tried I really tried to push myself and eat but whenever I do try I just end up throwing it all up, maybe I am ungrateful but I really just can't do that, I can't eat all that and no I'm not telling you my sob story to try and get your pity I know you won't care but just to explain why I don't eat you can still call me ungrateful I wasn't trying to justify my actions atleast you're not throwing me out so thank you...for that" she let go of my wrapped hand and looked up giving me a small smile

A Million questions were going threw my head but the obvious one was

Why wasn't she provided with enough food? Crumbs of bread? Pieces of cheese? Her father wasn't a poor man but maybe it had something of when or why they moved

I pushed her off and gave her a cold stare "You're right I don't care and you don't have the slightest bit of my pity you are ungrateful and a cagna" I left the room

The door bell rang and the maid went to open the door but I told her to go back I will open it myself

"Aless bro come stai amico Ist deine kleine entlaufene Braut drinnen?"

(how are you man is your little runaway bride inside?)

"I'm good Antonio and yes Bianca is inside you wanna see her?" I opened the door wider for him to come in

"Nah ela estraga meu humor talvez mais tarde" he got in

When I tell you I didn't a understand a word he just said except The 'nah' damn him and his switching languages

"Is April here did she arrive yet?" Why is he so interested in that damn girl?

"She's supposed to be here soon, in a few hours or so" I replied and sat on the couch beside him

"So what did you want me for?" I was about to talk but the door bell rang again

The maid went to open it "or maybe they're early" I muttered

Xavier and his little girlfriends were standing there

God I hate Riley she annoys the fuck out of me

Just wait Riley one wrong move and you'll be gone

Shock appeared on my brothers' face when he saw Antonio

"Antonio?" April whispered

"Hello tesoro" he smirked

Wow I feel accomplished I updated three times this month :D

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter

Same chapter as last time but different pov

Are we warming up to Alessandro or no

Hugs and kisses 💋


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