Earth Girl.

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Just my luck ,i finally get a chance to have a holiday and here i am in a beautiful manor house on the outskirts of London , stuck in bed . I got to see the entrance hall and kitchen while my cousin jessica made me some tea to help with the small ache that had developed in my head on the train here.But it seems that is all i will see until tommorow as i can't even open my eyes at the moment.

So my name is amy ,and as well as being very unlucky,i'm also a very ordinary ,completly average woman.I went to school,got a job, got a boyfriend and had a child . All the things you are always told make your life complete, untill last year when the boyfriend left and my grandfarther died , after that everything just seemed to collapse around me.I can't seem to find a job no matter how hard i try, my son has become rebelious and a down right brat and i've yet to make any friends in the village i have now lived in for five years. In short ,i'm wading through what life throws at me instead of living a life i enjoy.

But back to something nice, my cousin is studying in london and happened to meet another relative who lived in the city( big family, we spread everywhere), her family work in television production and invited louis to stay with them but since he's busy at university he asked me to take his place because he knew i could use the break and he's a total sweetie that way. So onto the train i hopped after leaving my son with his farther for a week,he may have been an ass about leaving me but he is a fantastic farther and jumped at the offer of a whole week with his little monster.

As i arrived at the station Jessica was there to meet me and we grabbed a taxi to the house ,once inside we dropped my bags in my room then went to the kitchen to have tea and a chat.Jessica told me her family had worked with the BBC and other channels for years and that she had grown up in the business . This week would be meet amd greets and a couple of parties for various casts and crews, so i should expect to see a lot of people around the house , i was quick to let her know i would stay out of the way but she assured me that she was gonna drag me into the party spirit . I liked her ,even with the high status her farthers business had given her she was still a normal ,lovely woman. Unfortunatly my head chose this time to start a relentless assault on my sanity by feeling as if it was about to explode. Jessica helped me to my room after finding me some painkillers, she would come check on me later.

Well it's now later and i can hear voices downstairs ,i think it's the caterers as i can hear plates and glasses clinking and orders being yelled out by someone who has obviously been sent deaf by years of working in kitchens. My head is easing off now so i'm gonna go and see if they need any help setting up after i go out for a smoke, yes it's a bad habit i know but it is my only vice . I walked out of the french doors in my room to the balcony,while lighting my cigerette , as i looked up i was greeted by the smiling face of a man walking up the drive , he was looking up at the balcony i was on . my heart just jumped into my throat it's MATT SMITH , i almost choked. 

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