chapter nine, A human life

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It's been three weeks since i came home , things are going well for me at college and i have a job i enjoy. My little boy is loving school, although it's funny to see him running around in a bow tie with his sonic screwdriver, he always has loved dr who .

I feel so much better now my mind is clear and i have a whole bunch of fun and lovely memories to look back on. I've had a couple of phone calls from the doctor and river , even a few text messeges from matt.

This weekend i'll be visiting again, we're gonna try and make it a once a month thing .I still haven't decided when to tell the doctor but river keeps pestering me about it, i don't think i'm ready to become someone else yet, i'm only just getting to know who i am right now.

I got started on packing my bag, the little monster has just left to stay with his dad for the weekend . The weather was looking brighter so i packed mostly leggings and dolly dresses, i'd still insist on wearing boots but at least i'd look a little more like a girl, it was a bet i'd made with river that i could un nerve the doctor , since he insisted on treating me like a child or a boy .

I was just ready when the taxi beeped outside so i stuffed my bags in the boot and set off for the station. Jessica was meeting me at the station when i got off the train, this was all becoming routine now i even knew my way around the station this time .

We grabbed a coffee a a small cafe and had a chat about what had been going on at this end, apparently it had all been rather dull , the doctor had been dodging their calls but river had popped in and so had matt . I couldn't wait to get back an see everyone, especially river i wanted to talk to her some more about maybe meeting some family.

It was six by the time we got to the house, it looked quiet when we first entered so after dumping my bags in my room i got myself set up with coffee and snacks in the library, honestly if it wasn't for walking everywhere i go and running for fun i would weigh a tonne with the amount of crisps and donuts i eat.

The quiet seemed odd so i put on my music, soon overworld and bataar was blasting out as i read.

"what is that god awful noise"  i jumped at the sound of rivers' voice , i'd been alone for over two hours so the sudden speech had my heart pounding.

I turned off my music and looked at river," are you trying to give me a heart attack woman, jeez you could have knocked"

"i did but your music was so loud you must not have heard, you're just like him with music , it has to be so loud it drowns out the world"  she said with a smile .

" anyway, how are you?" she knew me too well , i'd been sat here overthinking for ages, i didn't even know what book i was reading .

" i'm ok , school is good so is work. You know a normal human life"

"is that all you want, a human life?"

"someone once told me thats the most exciting adventure out there"

"well he would, he's never had to live one for more than a day" she looked smug

i almost forgot she had grown up with her mum and dad, it was easy to forget she was on her third and sadly final life. That's why the doctor is so against forming an attatchment to her, evn though it's obvious he already has although he won't admit it.

"i know my own mind sugar, i'm loving life for now but i wouldn't mind maybe getting some kind of contact with family. Hows that for sticking a toe in the water , since you seem so eager to chuck me in at the deep end"

River let out a laugh " sounds good, i'm not trying to rush you it's just the way he looks when he drops me off from our trips, i know i'm not going to be with him forever and i've a feeling it's getting closer"

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