The beat of a heart , (four knocks)

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When the Doctor hadn't returned within the weekend I reluctantly went home.  I had my son and a part time job to get back too , plus I think all the rushing around of traveling in the Tardis was taking its toll on my body.

I'd been feeling sick for almost a week now .

perhaps if I settled back into my usual earth bound routine I would feel more normal. Matt was visiting Jess , so he offered to take me to the station after we stopped in at the usual little cafe for a coffee, which quite frankly was bloody awful. This being sick was causing havoc with my sense of taste.

**1 week later**

Bloody hell, I'm not sure if it's being ill or being away from the Doctor so long , but I can't seem to control myself. I find myself wishing aunt Mel was here and then crying for no reason.

Giving in to my moods , I've come to see Donna , she's dealt with this for a couple of years now so hopefully she can help me.

Well, on first seeing me at the door Sylvia , I guess I should call her gran , let's out a squeak then wraps me in a hug .

we chose to meet here since Shaun had no clue about me or the situation with me being fully grown. 

"flaming hell woman, let the girl breath " cried wilf.

Only to then scoop me up himself, but in a much shorter hug.

we went to the kitchen to make tea and Donna was waiting for her hug, I may have only known her for a short time but hugging her was like coming home. 

"You're wearing it then "  Donna said ,pointing to the watch hanging around my neck .

"it makes me feel better at the moment, but I think it's invaded my dreams.

all week I've had dreams of a storm of regeneration energy and the sound of four beats, the timelord heart."

Something I said didn't go down well with Sylvia, she quickly ushered me into a chair and pulled Donna from the room.

wilf set about pouring the tea with a gentle smile. I liked wilf instantly, he reminds me so much of my grandfather I had recently lost. kind and gentle, but full of guts and strength.

Sylvia and Donna returned and we drank tea and ate biscuits, until my stomach set off again. surprisingly wilf went to the fridge and took out some celery, handing me a piece " it'll do you good girl, call that blummin stomach"

I wasn't gonna argue since the smell of it was so appealing, so while everyone had biscuits, I sat nibbling on the vegetable like a rabbit. He was right though, I felt better straight away.

With a look to Donna, Sylvia and wilf excused themselves leaving us to talk.

"How long ?" she asked.

"I've been sick since I got back, I think I'm missing the Doctor too much " I laughed.

Donna wasn't laughing, "come with me "

holding my hand she took me upstairs.

"River left this here after I had you " she told me while taking out something that looked like a communicator.

"lay down on the bed, I'm going to check you over "

I wasn't going to argue, she had been at this stuff longer so I trusted her.

I expected her to scan me or something, but she just switched the device on and pushed a few buttons, then placed it on my stomach, just under where the watch hung to.

it wobbled a little as my stomach is far from flat and being ill has left me bloated.

After a few seconds we heard it.

The beat of four .

I didn't know what to do, laugh, cry or scream with rage .

luckily Donna was there to pull me into a hug, the knock at the door was the only signal before Sylvia and wilf came barreling in to add to the pile.

"I thought so, as soon as she took to the celery, just like her mother. " wilf said.

"What do I do ? " I may have been pregnant before, but that was a human pregnancy, I have no clue what will happen with this.

Donna sat beside me holding my hand , with her other she took hold of the watch.

"you may find yourself needing this, the pregnancy won't be slow. The baby won't grow, it will repeatedly regenerate inside of you until it hits the right stage to be born in a couple of weeks.

we need to contact the Doctor "

Now I know why the pull to open the watch was so strong the last couple of days. I need the strength my timelord body will give me.

Donna had barely survived my birth , but this was different, this child hadn't copied human DNA, this was a pure timelord child.

we all went to the lounge and I called the Tardis.

"Hello , is this Kate ?  no one else has this number, who is this? "

" This is Amy, is the Doctor there, I really need to speak to him , it's an emergency"

" Sorry he's a little occupied at the moment, he won't leave Trenzalore and the Tardis keeps messing me about. As soon as we're sorted I'll tell him you called. "

she hung up , so he's there already.

" he's busy , probably dieing and regenerating , I got his assistant and she gonna get him to call. "

"what ? " Donna shouted.

"it's his time again, the ood warned us. "

" That's stupid, how can he have another assistant already, he's only been gone a week?" Sylvia asked.

"timey wimey , it's probably been years for him. time moves differently in the Tardis."

I felt strangely calm, even though I knew it would be a different man returning , if he returns at all.

I called my mum and asked her to take care of my son and then my boss to book a few weeks holiday from work.  luckily everything just fell into place.

I curled up on the sofa with Donna for a long time .

my final decision of the day, do I open the watch ?

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