chapter five, Grounded

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My plan of doing nothing failed pretty quickly when the doctor decided he needed to pop off in the tardis for something , so to keep me occupied matt took me into the city to do some shopping on the doctors' credit card, new clothes and boots were on my list along with a couple of new ties for the doctor as i'm sick of seeing the same two bow ties.

Matt seemed happy enough being dragged around the shops , he was good at picking outfits and he spotted the perfect boots for me.Pretty soon i had both his hands full of bags so we stopped in at a coffee shop , we had a few people aproach for photos' and autographs ,but matt was always lovely with them. we grabbed our order and took a table in the back.

"You look like you're thinking too hard over something , you'll get a wrinkly forehead you know" i laughed as he looked up from his cup.

"i was just wondering ,don't you feel cheated that he never takes you with him?" I could tell he was nervous

"relax ,it's ok to ask. I have him, a true friend ,i don't need to travel the universe to be with him. he comes home to me when he needs to, like after losing rose and donna, like now when he's lost the ponds and river is leaving soon. The assistants in the tardis come and go , i never will ." i smiled

"so for you it's like having  a pen pal or something , you don't know when you'll hear from him but when you do it's no work talk?"

"That's about right,yeah no fuss just best friend earth stuff"

matt nodded his head a little, i think he understands .

"So how about you , when did you first meet him?"

"last year, it was nuts he just dropped in while we were filming, he didn't stay long since we were filming rory and amy's exit."

"so you knew who he was when i was introduced to him , thats a little sly mister" i teased him a bit.

"what do you do back home, you said you're from yorkshire?"

"yep , i'm unemployed at the moment but i'm studying math and english at collage while i save the cash to set up my own business doing tattoos and piercing."

"girl with a plan i like it"

"how about you , any side projects on the cards for you other than dr who?, i've seen you in a couple of series and there was that film clone , but i guess dr who has kept you busy ."

"i don't have anything planned , but yes this job keeps me really busy so i don't think i have time for anything else?"

"how do you do it? away from home and friends for such long periods of time, not being able to chat about your day incase you accidentaly leak a storyline."

"na i'm used to it now , family and stuff is in a nice routine, you know, holidays ,xmas . It's all good and when we're filming i have some good mates on the crew so the social aspect is fine. how about you?"

"family and stuff? well i live close to most of them but i've always been a bit of a black sheep , you know the odd duck.I go to college and that's fun, i met a couple of people like me but i only see them when i'm there.The rest of the time i'm at home with my son."

"The doctor said you liked to learn, that you were smart i'm sure you'll do great with college and stuff."

"Thanks , i hope to be self employed by next year." just then my phone began to ring setting off my dr who ringtone , matt just sat with a smug grin on his face. I'll soon fix that, as i answered the call i looked at matt and said " don't get smug , it's the tenth dr's theme" i stuck my tounge out at him as the dr screached down the line " i'm back and you're not, how much shopping can you be doing?"

"Twenty minutes , stop complaining" i hung up and looked at matt who was just staring.

"his lordship calling?, and why the tenth ?"

"yes and tenth is my sons favorite so he picked the theme" we headed out to grab a taxi back.

Back at the house the doctor was pacing the parlor , as soon as we entered he pounced.

"Do you realize the trouble you have gotten me into with the misses, jeez the earfull i got off her."

"Whoa mate calm down no need to have a go just cos you got into trouble" matt jumped in.

"sorry but that woman is a nightmare when your in her bad books" he stopped pacing and sat down i went over and stood beside him and played with his hair to calm him.

"What is she mad for , and why am i getting the brunt of your mood?" i asked while pouting a little at him, he just laughed and bit my bottom lip " stupid pup"

"well she wasn't impressed that i'd kept you a secret even from her, especially since she knows you so well."

"how does she know me ? who is she ?"

I sat down next to him as matt sat across from us on the other sofa,

"she doesn't go by the name River when she's here , she uses her earth name . Melody."

my god i'm an idiot, no wonder she seemed off with me at the party.

" my aunt mel.But i've known her my whole life, even before i ever met you.She's always been close"

"That's whats worrying me, she doesn't get close unless she has to, and the way she was going off about me getting close to you it's like she knows something we don't"

"Doctor, this is making me nervous, you never worry like this. It's River she wouldn't do anything to harm either of us but she's obviously very angry, perhaps even scared by the situation"

He grabbed a hold of my face with both hands and stared into my eyes.

"we will find the answers, don't worry." Matt came and sat beside me and gave me a big hug, for a moment i felt as if nothing bad could reach me.

But there was still the matter of River.

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