chapter eleven. Time out.

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I was sitting on the edge of the fountain dipping my feet in the cool water , the watch hung around my neck on its chain still sealed. I couldn't open it yet, it would let me but i chose to wait until i was ready. I'm just getting used to who I am and feeling comfortable in my own skin, I'm not ready to become someone else.

The doctor was pleased with my decision of course even if River was pissed at his reaction .


"Don't you dare open that or I will never speak to you again, to throw your human life away to become a damd timelord. " the doctor blew up jumping from his seat and pacing .

"Hold on , you cannot tell her what to do with her life when you lied to her for most of it . And just what's wrong with beiing a timelord? "River screamed at him.

"You know very well what's wrong , timelords are volitile and dangerous . The last lot tried to destroy time itself and even you were prepeared to let time die at one point , remember ?" he was furious.

" Hey, do I get a say in this ? For starters I have had a human upbringing so I'm nothing like a natural timelord , plus as you pointed out doctor your people turned mean because they got too much power over centuries and became twisted. I am not like that and neither are you."

" She's right , she is the best of what it is to be human and since the energy used to create her was new she might not display the traits of the older timelords." River tried to reason with him.

"Look both of you can back off, I will decide in my own time and with my own reasons , I understand both your points of view and I respect them , but in the end this is my decision."

With that said I walked out.

****end flashback**************

So I've been sat here for the last hour , I think everyone has left by now. Just then i felt someone sit next to me , I turned my head to see Jess with an annoyed look on her face.

"What's up Jess? "

"He's in there pulling his hair out , he's driven everyone out of the house with his ranting. Maybe you could come back in and calm him down "

"I guess but if he starts up again I can't be certain it won't be me pulling his hair out."

I dragged my feet as I went inside and stuck my head around the door to see him sat perfectly still in a chair watching the fire burn.  I slowly walked around to his side as he looked up at me .

"damn, I never was very good at stealth" I gave him a small smile as he opened his arms.

I sat across his lap and rested my head on his shoulder " are you still mad at me? because we can't have midnight ice cream if we're not talking "

The doctor jumped slightly and grabbed my face in both hands  " No .. I was never mad at you, just this situation. I'm sorry if I upset you"  he gave me a kiss on the nose and a bone crushing hug.

"Well I knew he couldn't stay mad for long, now I think it's time I was off. You're in good hands , safe and protected , I have a good feeling about this ." Donna had a huge smile on her face as she leant down to give me a hug.

" of course she's in good hands " the doctor said looking rather smug.

This earned him a slap across the head, " I was talking about you . You prawn."

"why do I need looking after! " The doctor stuck out his bottom lip like a child. I quickly pulled on it and giggled to Donna . " That's why , you big baby."

Donna was the last to leave after promising to keep in contact , I excused myself to go look for River , who was in the library.

"Hey, you doing ok, he knows he was out of line and I won't let him forget it any time soon. "

"I'm fine sweetie , it's not the first time I've watched him go mental over something . Besides I've made him promise to take me to Derilium , to see the singing towers next week before I go off on an expedition."

My heart just dropped to my feet, she's leaving next week that means this will be the last time I see her. I walked straight over and hugged her tight .

"You'll have to tell me everything when you get back, I'm still sorry he was a git about all this . If it makes it better I'm glad you and Donna did this for me , I get the best of both worlds . I get to have a normal human life and still when I get old I can choose to become a timelord and live another hundred lives over . You are the best aunt ever River song."

" Thankyou darling , are you ok? You seem upset"

"I'm fine , it has been a hell of a day and I'm just tired "

There was a knock at the door and the doctor walked in looking shattered. I smiled at River " bed time I think, before I have to carry him"

" I'll see you Amy , goodnight doctor "

We walked upstairs and changed in silence before climbing into bed , instead of me leaning on the doctor he crawled across to me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair until his breathing became level and I knew he was asleep. Only one thing clouded my mind as I went to sleep , next weekend is gonna be hell.

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