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Chapter 1 Live

~~ Quick Note ~~

I'm leaving the series plot up till Renesmee's birth. Be warned it starts off a bit dark! It does get interesting I promise. Just felt like they left the door open for more opportunity.

Also later there will be nude parts and Lemons! You have been warned!



To live is the rarest thing in the world.

Most people just exist 

- Oscar Wilde

( You pov )

Being somewhat of a nomad most of my life since my parents passed away I decided to challenge myself with something I used to enjoy. Tutoring, however that would mean the end of my traveling place to place...well for the most part. If it didn't work out I'd be on the road again. Surely this won't bite me in the ass like so many choices before it. The last place I had ended up during this decision was forks. A sad town getting over the death of the chief's daughter. Whom I was sure I used to go to elementary with before my parents passed. It had only been confirmed when I had bumped into her at a gas station. A couple of boys were eyeing her car. She recognized me before I had her. Long story short I drove her to her house where we talked for a while. I even lent her my phone to call a Jacob.  Bella, who had passed away after picking up some sort of disease from her honeymoon. Yes hearing about her story might have motivated my decision a bit to come back, that and other things... I'd been living, but things were passing by in a colorless blur. Could that even be called living? Tho I saw new places and different things, some things still felt repetitive. Even in life threatening situations. Using the last of my stash to rent a small little house at the edge of Forks. It put me in a bit of a bind on my food situation. I was a healthy eater. No not that I'll only eat a carrot because my ass is too fat. No, I could pack it away like no one's business. I've tried to cut back but I end up hangry, fucking hungry and angry. It doesn't mix well at all. It nearly got me killed in certain areas I've been. Praying to any god out there that someone had seen my ad I posted the moment I made my decision to head to the library to use the computer. The very place I decided to plant my life here for now. Waiting for the screen to load I lean back on the chair letting my hair fall back over the chair shaking out the melting snow. One thing was for sure this town was under a constant cover of clouds , rain and sometimes even snow. Nothing new there. Feeling eyes on me I let my head fall back enough to see who it was. A small girl holding an advanced book watched me curiously. "Your back already," I asked smiling ," you finish those books pretty fast.". She was unbelievably beautiful, stunning with her milk chocolate eyes and long unusual bronze ringlets cascading down her back. The first day I came here she had basically been glued to my side when she realized I had my own books. I'd let her read what I had but normally she left the book only to come back the next day. I was starting to wonder if she had anyone looking out for her. I even had a suspicion she was related to Bella in some way. My heart ached at the loss of a potential best friend… Sitting up now I set the book she was reading now before log into my email. Scrolling through spam I didn't hear the chair next to mine move. It wasn't till a perfect bell like voice spoke that I looked up. "Thank you," she asked. " Renesmee," I felt a bit odd talking to her the first couple times ," hasn't your parents told you not to talk to strangers?" She made a face ," not really, they all seem so sad." " Sad," I turned to her concerned now. Renesmee seemed sad at that moment looking ready to cry. She reached for me like she wanted a hug. An unfamiliar ache in my chest had me blinking back tears. Just before I went to comfort her a tall looking guy walked up looking nothing like Renesmee. He looked like those Quileute boys I ran into while I had been in La Push. "Nessie," he seemed to breathe out in relief, the worry lines on his forehead mostly disappearing, " what's wrong?" She took her hand back before touching my face like she had been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to do. Little did he know I already knew what she could do. It was how she introduced herself. And now I was blushing as I remembered the beautiful face , who had said her name. "I'm sorry she snuck away again,"he opened his arms for her. Renesmee seemed to flawlessly jump into them, settling herself holding her book with one hand and the other resting on his shoulder like she needed the balance though it seemed as if no pressure was applied. " I'm (Y/n)," I introduce myself. "Jacob ," he nods, seeming just a bit distracted. Oh so he was the Jacob I've been hearing about. Who'd been in love with Bella. This town may be small ,but there was tons of gossip about the love triangle that used to be. Let alone my first hand conversation about him with Bella before… Jacob seemed to frown a bit like he either knew what I was thinking or he could guess. Then I realized he was looking past me at my computer screen. Looking up I saw an email from a Esme Cullen. Clicking it feeling rude for turning my back on the two I read and stared at the number amount offered. Scrolling past the amount I sighed. Just my luck the address was unfamiliar. My eyes flew to the time if I was going to make the interview I'd need to leave now. Sending a quick reply I apologize to them. As quickly as I could manage I wrote down the directions before logging out. Grabbing my jacket I apologize once more as I head out. All the while Renesmee waved bye while she leaned on who I assumed was her older half brother. 

Making it to the house just by the skin of my teeth I relax into my seat. Taking a breath I got out of my car. The door opened before I could knock a heart shaped face looked up at me with honey colored eyes. Her lovely carmel hair pulled out of her face. "Oh," I gasp my heart, stuttering a bit ," I didn't mean to get here at the last minute." "That's quite alright," she smiled ," I'm Esme, my adopted son Jasper will be joining us for the interview if you don't mind." "It's not a problem, " I smile following her inside. The moment I saw Jasper fear seemed to leak up my spine. Unlike Esme's golden eyes his seemed to be a darker shade with dark circles under his eyes like he needed a good night's rest. Esme seemed to give him a look. I took a seat at the table. A car could be heard pulling up as Esme started to question me. To my surprise Renesmee and Jacob came in. "Your book," Renesmee walked up to me. "You forgot it at the library," Jacob explained. "Thank you ," I smile ," but you didn't have to follow me." Esme seemed to relax, " you know each other?" I found myself explaining avoiding what I knew she could do. "Renesmee is the one who wants a tutor, " Jasper nods to her. The atmosphere seemed to relax as Renesmee leaned in me reading the book I had forgotten at the library. "I think we have no choice," Esme smiled stroking Renesmee's hair ," looks like she wants her as a tutor." "I don't mean to be rude," I smile a bit shyly, " but it doesn't look like she needs a tutor with how advanced her reading is. Even so couldn't you or her father tutor her?" "Her father isn't in the right headspace," Esme looked concerned. "That's an understatement," Jake muttered. Jasper shot him a warning look clearly protective. Esme shook her head slightly before leaving the room. Everything seemed to happen so quickly. I felt a sharp pain on my wrist as Renesmee bit the next instant Jasper seemed to launch for me the table crashing out of the way. His eyes flat black as Jacob slammed him back. Esme cried out in a bit of a panic rushing back to help. Looking up I saw a familiar face headed towards me dodging a blond and moving out of a buff male. In that moment color seemed to explode into clarity even in the face of death. Taking a shallow breath he came at me centimeters away from my flesh, the only thing stopping him was a blonde looking doctor. If I had flinched he would have hit his goal. It gave the others time to drag them. "I'm sorry," Renesmee said in a small voice,"I was curious." A petite lady with a pixie-like hair rushed in front of Jasper. It looked like she was calming him. Jacob went to Nessie checking her over. It looked like his heart was in his throat. Wiping my blood from her mouth he called ,"Carlisle." The blonde looking doctor came over looking her over taking in what had happened. "May I," he asked before taking my arm. "Renesmee bit me," I explained. His tense shoulders seemed to relax like he was expecting much worse. "May I sanitize it," he asked. I agree, letting him not wanting an infection later. 

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