You are the one

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You are

The one

I will love with all my might

The one

I'm thinking of every night

The one

That helps me make things right

The one

I dream of when I sleep at night

The one

I think of when I hug my pillow tight

The one

I'm not giving up without putting up a fight. 

- Unknown 

( Edward Pov )

My lips descend on (Y/n)s lips unable to help myself. She moans gripping my shirt , the thin material threatening to rip. Her form pressed into me further as I pressed her against the wall. She had been able to mimic Benjamin. However, my control around her like always snapped. The moment I felt something off however I broke the kiss leaving her in a daze. My hands caress their way down in awe. This time wasn't like last time.... this time it was beyond impossible. I touch her slowly rounding belly. She clearly had no clue. It hadn't been as sudden as Bella but also not as fast as a human. This time it was slow. Almost like it needed more time to sort the genetics. "You're not going to the volturi," I breathe. This is what Bella must have felt. Why she fought so hard to keep Renesmee even when the odds had been against her. (Y/n) blinked up at me. The moment it clicked her mental walls fell. Her clear fear rained through. Fear , but also wonder. "E-Edward," (Y/n) breathed as if tasting the air around us. Her mind no doubt listening to what I was thinking. "This can't be," she tried to deny. "Carlisle, " I said no louder than I was talking earlier. I heard him coming to us even before he was in the line of sight. Carlisle looked to where our hands were on her stomach then to our faces then it clicked. The familiar look of interest returned to his face. "No," (Y/n) denied even though she knew immortal bodies don't change. They don't.... but hers has.. had ... and still is. "No this isn't even possible, " she looked like she was backed up onto a wall both figuratively and literally. "Your not like other immortals, " Carlisle took a cautious step forward. Her mouth opened and moved a bit like she wanted to say something but couldn't. I took that hand she had placed on her belly to my lips. His eyes seeming to tell me ," you are my one."

( You Pov )

For once I was lost for words not from pain or pleasure but shock. Even when our little mood was interrupted I found myself craving this immortal who kissed the top of my hand. My gaze went to his lips, the shock battling with my need. Then something else happened, which sparked my memory. Immortals didn't get ill. That with the fact my belly had started to round. My wild emotions and craving for Edward. There was no denying I was in fact pregnant. I look at Carlisle a thousand different questions mirrored in his gaze. "It looks like we need to head back," Carlisle nods. I shook my head thinking of Rose. How would she react finding out I now could have something she couldn't. "No," Edward frowns. "I want Rose to come here,"I look to him," I want her to be the first official person I tell." Edward nods his gaze now knowing. 

The next thing I knew I was alone and anxious. I try to relax, not wanting to cause harm to the baby. Renesmee came running in Jacob wild eyed and following. I picked Renesmee up holding her to me. Right away her arms wrap around my neck burying her little face in the crook of my neck. "Is it true," she had no visions to share to ask. "You're gonna be a big sister, "I stroked her long silky hair. "Your not leavinng are you," her voice wavered and something wet started to trickle down my neck. "Not yet," it was the best I could do. Renesmee strokes my hair as if trying to calm me. Almost as if she could feel the turmoil boiling inside me. I still had to go but maybe I could delay it. Maybe letting Aro know would be stupid, but I know for a fact he'd give me more time. The baby would fall under our agreement.... but would he take the child and raise it to be his slave? Kill me because I would no longer be needed. Agony must have shown on my face becuase Jacob staggered like he was looking back when Bella was somewhat in my shoes. Looking at Jacob he too looked like he was lost for words and then some. Rose may not have been the first like I wanted but I couldn't exactly leave Jacob clawing for sanity. "How was I supposed to know,"I asked softly ," I tried to stay away." Renesmee looked back at Jacob. He still bleeds for Bella as a friend, as family. "Don't," he almost seemed to hold himself. Renesmee wiggled letting me know she wanted down. I set her down only for her to go to him. With every step his muscles seemed to relax. She pressed her hand to his cheek and for once in what felt like forever.... I couldn't hear it. I couldn't hear his thoughts now... Panic clawed at me. If I lost my mimic, how was I to protect them all from Aro? Better yet was my mimic gone because my child gained it? Yet another thing Aro would set to gain if he went back on his word.

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