A storm was coming

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A storm was coming

But that's not what she felt.

It was adventure on the wind

And it shivered down her spine.


( You Pov )

Renesmee's little shoulders seemed to relax as the others were made to see. Made to understand the situation. A hand slipped under my chin to my throat tightening uncomfortably. With everything going on I hadn't realized Fred had gone out of my range. Had snuck past every vampire here. "You don't want to do that ," Jasper's deadly tone caught everyone's attention. "She's about to join the very people who offed Bree ," his rage seemed to prick at me like angry buzzing bees. "There was nothing we could have done to save her," Jasper spoke in a low tone ," she wasn't even created then." "But she was still working for them," he hissed his grip on my neck tightening. "If she was really on their side she'd taze you just like Kate can," Edward pointed out and spoke quickly ," if she is as evil as you think then why doesn't she just destroy you after she tazes you. With her in the Volturi she can help redirect the Volturi's way's." His grip loosened just a bit. Edward thought of that moment showing me knowing I can see what he is thinking. My eyes widened ,  I recognized her when Jane forced me to go with her to check on Victoria. Of course they had made me wait outside. I had spotted something. Through foggy clouded human memories I could now put a face to what I had seen. I had seen them both that day. Thankfully my scent had been blown by the wind away from them. My hand touched a part of Fred behind me showing him what Edward had shown me. The way Bree had begged, the information she gave to Edward , her hope that Fred made it out and even her grief at the realization a newborn was killed. Her mate Diego had been murdered the night she returned and he hadn't. Fred's hand slipped from my throat as I felt his grief and then his determination. "He won't be the only one targeting her," Eleazar warned," she will need to be trained. I can step in if she stays here." "Please don't talk to me like I'm not here," I took a step away from Fred ," I've had enough of that." "So does this mean we can take Renesmee back," Jacob sounded too tense. To on edge with Renesmee around red eye's. My eyes met hers in the next moment. She placed a hand on Edward who still held her. I could see clearly she was asking for me. Edward's eyes became concerned. Slowly, deliberately I took a step in their direction. The Cullen's shifted at the same time as the others stood in place. All but the Denali sisters returned to their house with remembered grief. Garrett holding Kate. Fred took a step in their direction, his gaze on Tanya. Just before she reached the house her gaze met his. It wasn't enough to distract me with all the extra room in my mind. What fascinated me was the color of each bond. Though theirs were new it was strengthening with each second. "If the child was in true danger from (Y/n) then she would have used one of her abilities, " Eleazar reasoned ,taking my side. Esme gently touched Carlisle's shoulder moving out of my way. Alice rubbed her temple in frustration since she couldn't see. However she moved aside for me too. Emmett looked at Rose who was unmoving. Jasper was reading on my emotions so I leveled on a steady calm. "I just want to say goodbye before we go home, " Renesmee seemed to make their choice for them. Rose and Emmett stood to one side as Jasper waved me forward. The moment I passed Jasper he slipped a hand to the back of my neck. Guiding me forward cautiously. Renesmee's warm flesh now felt even hotter. She touched my face, showing me my own human face. The last time she was me, and how upset she was that I hadn't even said goodbye. I lean into her hand gently covering her hand with my own. "I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye sweet girl ," I ignored the burn in my throat. She was nothing like I ever smelled before. I felt and saw Jasper's internal conflict but I ignored it. "May I," I looked at Edward wanting to hold her. He knew I knew I could read what he was thinking. Even the part of him that was stuck in memories of Renesmee's mother. I breathed a sigh of relief when he handed her to me. She settled herself into me, showing me what I missed while I was away. My heart ached at how much she had grown while I was away. The rate of her growth was slowing but it still frightened me. She held me as I held her. "I'll stay here for a bit ," I nod to Edward ," I'm sure Alice can help me with my thirst." I attempted to hand Renesmee back but she locked her finger behind my neck. Jasper was deciding on trying to break her hold but didn't know if he could do it without accidentally hurting her. Edward's worry matched my own. "I promise I'll come back sweet girl," I carefully rest my forehead to hers ," I'll come visit in between too." Her fingers unlocked themselves as she held up her pinkie to me like we normally did when we promised something. Carefully like I was touching eggshells I took her pinky in my own. I hand her over to her father, my heart growing heavy at the thought of staying away from her. Jacob, looking super tense, finally relaxed as Edward nod's to him before turning to Eleazar to talk. Alice placed a hand on Jasper's lower back then turned to me. She didn't even have to say it. I knew they would stay behind, Carlisle and Esme too. So they could smooth over the sister's. In the background of her vision I saw Fred. My eyes flicked to him ,he hadn't moved.

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