The Escape

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Chapter 6 The Escape 

The Escape 

In the darkest night 

A little light shining bright.

It's the moon with its light that has come to take what you have inside.

In the late night when thoughts cover up your mind.

Eyes are closed and you try to erase what's inside. 

Where or to whom do you go to escape the reality of your life?

- D.I

( You pov )

Aro's mouth opened and closed in surprise, his eyes blank. Jane looked almost terrified calling for her brother Alec. I had no clue what was going on or how long it would last. Moving quicker than I ever had I took Jane's robe putting it on. Blindly Aro unsuccessfully seemed to reach for me. "Do you think they will accept you now," he asked ," not fully in their world nor in the human world?" I flinch at the question. I hadn't thought about that yet. However I knew I would be later, if I got out of here. " You've felt it haven't you," Aro went on ," how hesitant they were to take you in." My eyes seemed to prickle in the weirdest way. I had the only reason they let me in so to say was of Renesmee. "We took you in, clothed you, fed you," he pressed his advantage like he never had ," I did my best to protect you from the others when I was here." I hesitated at the door knowing my time might be running out. Aro had been there to stop a good chunk of things. "I would love to have you here," he spoke faster ," no one will touch you ever again." " It doesn't change what they did," I closed the robe as much as I could. It was something to cover me for the time being. Opening the door Alec looked confused but his eyes too were unfocused. Blindly he attempted to reach for the door. As quietly as I could I tried to move past him. He gripped my arm tightly, blindly. Panicking I pulled it back at the same moment kicked him back into the cell I just came from. Aro hadn't been lying about saving me from the final burn of the conversation. That or his cruel intention was to see he could stop it only for me to go through it anyway. The taste of metal burned my tongue and a red haze started to appear around my vision. Turning to go I spotted clothes on top of a stand down the hall. Without pausing I took them as I walked to where I knew the exit was. Not daring to pause to put them on in fear they would find me. However once I reached the sunny streets did I stop, quickly slipping on the clothes. They ripped with no effort under my touch. Cursing I heard footsteps following after me. Pulling the hood up carefully and holding it closed since I was still mostly naked. I couldn't get more clothes later, what was important was getting away. Hearing them move into position to cut me off in the only ways I knew how to get out of the city I book it in the only direction I could. The only way it was pulling me. Holding the robe closed and keeping my head down I move alone in the human traffic. The burn of my thirst was nothing compared to what I had been experiencing the last I don't know how long. Yet the burn was the only thing keeping me from panicking now. Something familiar brushed my senses just in time for a 2006 bugatti veyron to wipe infront of me, the passenger side opening to me. "Get in," Edwards' breathtaking face stunned me. He gripped my hand pulling me inside. Before the door was closed all the way Alice sped off. I was saddling Edward my robe had opened when he had pulled me in. Feeling my cheeks tingle like I was going to blush I try to pull the robe closed. "I'm sorry this was the fastest car that would make it there in time," Alice explained. "It just so happened to have very dark tinting on the windows," I asked, unable to keep my sarcasm in ," I'm sorry, I am grateful." "It's okay," Alice seemed to look me over to make sure I was okay. Her brother on the other hand was frozen under me his gaze peering in the robe like he was dumb struck. "You wouldn't happen to have clothes do you," I ask shyly. Alice glared at her brother as if mentally scolding him. She passed me her purse ," there should be a back up dress in it with the contacts you'll need later." I unclip the robe and rip off the rest of my clothes. Hell if he wasn't gonna look away so be it. He wouldn't be the last one to see my goods. Grateful to have any sort of clothes I put on the black halter V neck sleeves and backless cocktail dress like it was fragile paper. It was a bit tight in some areas and showed I had no bra but it was better than ripped clothes. The bottom inside had a peek a boo red silk lining that showed when I reached back for the robe. If I could blush I would as I put it back on for an extra layer. I was squirming and moving on top of Edward who barely seemed to blink out of it. However we both knew he was hard. For one it's his body for two it was rubbing me in intimate places. 

( Edward pov )

Never have I ever thought I'd feel lust again, however she seemed to be the exception. Let alone for someone who was like us now. If I thought I had been taken by her before clothed , her nude would destroy me. The raw hunger I had felt for her blood paled. Even when she didn't smell like food and Jacob was nowhere around us to ruin her natural scent I knew I was already in deep. I knew I would never smell anything close to her natural scent. Unlike our natural smells (Y/n) wasn't overbearing. Balanced like Renesmee was. Instead of the food smell it was balanced between vampire and shapeshifter. (Y/n) also seemed to rival Rosalie in the looks department. Never had I been speechless at Rose's natural beauty, but (Y/n). I was struck stupid my thought process stopped. Even Alice's mental scolding couldn't bring me out of it. Pulling myself together I pretended that I definitely was not hard though we could both feel it. Is this how teenage boys feel like after they had a taste of what sex is? "Uh ," Alice flinched looking for (Y/n)s future ," I think we have to stop off and feed her before she loses her control." I reached out with my mind as she pressed the vision forward. It was blurry and shifty, still undecided. Well that killed my boner. (Y/n)'s mouth fell open as if surprised and didn't know how to word it. Her walls slipped for a moment even though they where alot stronger. Just enough for me to peak inside her head. She was seeing everything. Every. Fucking. Thing. From start to finish just as Aro could do. My own mouth fell open. Our eyes met as Alice anxiously looked over. Still in the dark Alice cursed as the car came to a screeching stop. Aro, Jane , Allec and a couple of the guards had beat us. Yes the car was fast, vampire speed was faster. It was clear they weren't letting us go so easily. Alice hissed in frustration as the future didn't present itself. Before either I or Alice could decide what to do (Y/n) opened the door and stepped out. The only road out was currently shaded by tall trees. The edges of my vision turned red as the other males took in (Y/n)s new stunning form. Even Aro took a tentative step in her direction desire of another kind running through his mind. Even when she covered herself with the robe once more it could not hide the tempting dress. Why had Alice packed such a thing?! Slowly Alice got out of the car , no sense of trying to escape now. Getting out of the car I didnt bother to close the door.

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