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Chapter 5 Enough


I fear to show the real me 

that I will be 

too real for you

too hard for you

too much of everything for you

and never Enough 

- Gemma Troy

( You pov )

The burning only got worse with every second. With each second that felt like a century my mind seemed to adjust. All the while Jane questioned me more about the Cullen's. Each time I glared, able to hold back the screaming. I could even separate the changing pain and Jane's gift. The flavor of it was harsh unlike her brother, Alec's numbing ability. They had him use it not too long ago. I was too stunned to feel and see nothing for the time I didn't even realize what they were trying to do. The moment the burning started to act up I realized when I could see again they had moved me. It was similar to the room I'd been in. Jane was still there, the bitch. Ever so slowly the turning pain started to fade from my fingertips and toes. That's when Aro came back alone. He held a hand up to Jane who stopped her gift. Now there was only the burning of my body changing. "Now," Aro stood in my line of sight ," you haven't felt true pain yet. The worst has yet to come especially with whatever is in your bloodline." Was I hearing this right? Has yet to come? Whatever was in my bloodline? I was in my own solar system of pain. "Tell me about the Cullens, "he knelt brushing a lock of hair from my face,"anything at all and I'll have Alec block the worst part of the conversation." If this was nothing compared to what he said I didn't know how I was going to get through this. My lips tremble as I felt what he was talking about. As it faded from areas of my body my heart seemed to be the only source it wanted to burn now. Each millisecond intensified, seeming to singe every nerve ending. I could hear Allec waiting just outside the cell. It was so tempting, so fucking tempting. Just as I was about to cave the memory of Renesmee's smile stopped my parting lips. The memory of Edwards kiss and his broken heart flashed through my mind. Esme.... how could I betray such kindness... Even though I didn't really know the others it seemed to hurt worse than the burning. Determined, I looked at Aro, my teeth clenched. He'd only been able to see into my head in the early years of being their so-called dog. In the last years I'd managed to build a wall strong enough to resist his abilities. I was so damn grateful I built whatever it was that kept him out. The rage overflowed me to realize as he spoke he had been waiting for my walls to slip. To use it as an advantage to see into my head for himself. I glared up at him , out of nowhere he gasped. Suddenly as if struck he fell back gasping out in pain. Hearing his own pain brought the burning back to my attention at the same time Jane used her gift. Determined to finish strong I clenched my teeth so hard I feared they would shatter. My heart was beating so fast I clawed at my chest afraid it would dig its own way out if I didn't stop it. 

( Edward pov )

"Alice," I warned, grinding my teeth. "What is happening to her," Esme looked concerned with her hand over her chest. Alice tried to keep her mind in the here and now. Yet flickers of (Y/n) in pain , fear in her eyes was heartbreaking. "Jacob," I turn my focus back to him. "Yes there may have been children from Utlapa when he used Taha Aki's body ," Jacob sounded almost shell shocked. Leah and Seth didn't fare too well either. From the sounds of their minds no one ever dared to think past what Utlapa had done to keep his dark secret. "Is there any way we can be sure," Carlisle asked softly. "Sam-" "Call them over," I barely managed to get out ," if they don't feel comfortable talking here then we can go to them." Jake started to tremble hating to be told what to do. "Who's gonna watch over Nessie," he fired back instead, " does she even know what you suspect?" "Her name is Renesmee," I took a step closer. Leah's tail flicked, her teeth bearing in a warning. "That doesn't matter at the moment," Alice stood in my path ," Rose will watch her while we go and check the facts." I lifted an eyebrow at my irritating sister. Of course she couldn't see a thing now. So we would go and talk to the elders. The woods seemed to devolve into a smaller cell. Alice snapped out of it before it could pull us there. Sam was not pleased to see us on their land, but there was nothing they could do. Jakes imprinting on my daughter had strengthened the treaty like nothing before it. Jacob caught them up to date. Billy seemed to turn paler than normal. My eyes narrow at this reaction. "You've already thought about this possibility, " I asked, bringing up what I wanted in his head. I recoil at the memory of it seeing Bella's face. The night of the bonfire when he and Old Quil had retold their legends to them... and Bella... It had crossed his mind for the barest moment just before Old Quil had told the story of the third wife. "How couldn't they have gone undetected," Carlisle asked softly though I knew this new information was exciting to him. (Y/n) was curled into a ball, her skin unnaturally pale. A bewildered looking Aro stood next to Jane. "Edward, " Carlisle gripped my face. Jake fidgeted wondering if it was Renesmee. Alice looked shell shocked. "Venom is poisonous to your kind Jacob, " I asked, sounding like I had just been sucker punched. It was only then did I realize I had settled into a crouch and Carlisle had been trying to snap me out of it. I straightened slowly patting Carlisle's hand. "Yes," he sounded as clueless as Sam. "Whoever she is with now," Billy spoke through frozen lips ," they bit her." I nod stiffly, " they are trying to change her. Sam spat out curses as Jake shook his head. "They will end up killing her," Jacob's shoulders slumped already thinking of ways to break the news to my daughter. "Not quite, " Alice said slowly. "What do you mean," Sam glared, feeling powerless to help one of their lost people. "I wasn't able to see her from the beginning, " Alice spoke slowly still ," we thought her fate was to tangled together with Nessie's future." Sam started to click it together. "I've never been able to see your kind," Alice gestures to Jacob and Sam ," but I'm getting glimpses of her." "Her blood line might be mixed just enough for her to survive, " Carlisle looked at Alice speculating away. "That wouldn't work," Jake frowned ," we are mixed bloodlines as well." "You stayed on your home land and had other options from those earlier times," Alice pointed out. "There was not enough to trigger her conversation till her body was completely stressed out," Carlisle nods."Even if she does survive she'll be too unstable to keep around forks,"Sam ran his fingers through his hair. "We'll take her in ," Carlisle spoke quickly ," we'll move and take her with. Teach her our ways." "What about Jacob, his pack and Renesmee, " Billy asked worried for his son. "We won't go too far ," Carlisle nods ," just enough where they don't know us. Close enough it won't take too long to run back." "I'm coming with," Jacob took a step in Carlisle's direction. "I'm counting on that," Carlisle was lost in his own head. This new information had him giddy with new possibilities. "Aren't we missing the part about how we get her back," I asked through my teeth. "Aro won't let them kill her," Alice chirped in ," she's too rare for him to kill her outright." "He'll want to keep her," Carlisle agreed. "She cant be kept," Alice sounded so sure. Curious, I delved into her mind.

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