Who was I before?

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Who was I before?

I don't remember

Nor do I want to

Remember a time

Without you.

Where was I before?

I don't remember.

I just knew

When I found you

I had come home.

-Alicia N Green

( You Pov )

A snarl ripped though my lips turning into a howl. Sharp tearing sounds echoed behind me before I ran. Not on two legs but four. The tint of red growing stronger in my vision. A deep growl came from the back of my throat. Jumping over debris and banks of water. In the distance I heard supernatural footsteps behind me. Too far back to catch up with me. From one cage to another my irrational mind screeches. Pushing unfamiliar muscles expecting to feel the burn of exhaustion I only seemed to fall accustomed to my strides. Eating up ground like no one's business. Avoiding cars , humans, vampires alike. Familiar trees started to fly by me. The slosh of wet ground under my paws gave way to snow. A weird smell and the sound of another growl had me skidding to a stop. My ears flatten behind my head. The edge of madness is still on my tongue. I took a step in a different direction but a wolf about 10' in length, with russet brown fur, dark intelligent eyes got in my way. Two other wolves behind him baring their teeth in warning. A sandy colored tall gangly wolf with oversized paws just a step further back than the other wolf. The other tall grey wolf seemed smaller in a way and possibly female. My hackles rose as I heard two sets of supernatural footsteps gaining on me. A mind, a will seemed to press down on my mind. Trying to force me to respond. I bite at the air like that I can get rid of the pressure. Edward cleared the tree line before Jasper did. Once more calm tried to swaddle me in its cocoon. Feeling cornered trapped I started to move in a circle trying to guard all sides. Edward placed a hand up to the group of wolves who threatened to close in. "(Y/n)," Edward spoke smoothly, taking a cautious step forward. I growl low in warning. He seemed to slowly advance one step at a time. All the while my growls seemed to fade. I now let a low whine out sitting down. The moment his hand touched my fur the rest of me seemed to relax. I let the pressure give way and in the next moment three voices entered my head. Or three thoughts I could hear already, but this time it seemed to connect me to them in a way. I felt their dismay at the information that seemed to pop up in my head of the night Edward and I had shared together. The bleeding of my heart to know he regretted that time. So the four of us wolves were connected. My rage turned to hurt, mostly. There was enough room in my mind to note the anger and intense hurt at the same time.

( Edward Pov )

I more or less order Alice to take Fred to the Denali coven to explain the rest to him. From the sounds of it Garrett followed close behind for some answers. Ripping my phone from my pocket I dial Carlisle who informed Jacob of what was happening. What direction ( Y/n) seemed to head in. Even when I am the fastest out of my family I think we finally found the one faster than I. She ran like the hounds of hell were after her. I saw though Jacobs eyes as he confronted her. Blocking her from making it to the house. The moment I cleared the trees I was unprepared. Jacob's eyes hadn't done her wolf form justice. Her fur shimmered between the color of our venom and white like snow. The dark patch over her eye streaked down her fur just a bit. That eye was a startling ice blue with flakes of silver the other however was a bright red like a newborn vampire. Jacob was thinking about taking another step forward but I placed a hand up to stop him. "(Y/n)," I kept my tone soft, soothing as I took a cautious step forward. Slowly I advanced , her growls slowing. A step sway she let out a soft whine sitting down lowering her head. Slowly I reach up and touch her fur. She relaxed into me allowing Jake to take her under his wing at the same moment. "Can you try to change back," I asked cautiously, holding a hand up to Carlisle who cleared the other tree line. His jeweled eyes glittered with interest. The thrill of new knowledge. Jacob tried to encourage the shift. One moment she was an oversized wolf the next she was as naked as the day she was born. Her hair hanging wild behind her. I shrug off my shirt and help her into it. It hung off her like a short dress but covered the essentials. "I'm sorry ," her tingling voice was laced with sadness that tugged at my frozen and bruised heart ,"

I don't know what came over me." "All newborns experience a snap," I stroke her cheek unable to stop myself ," no different from the rest of us." She let out a breathless laugh ," said the one who didn't turn into a giant wolf." Her confused eyes met mine but I placed one finger to her mouth. "We can explain but first we need to get you away from Renesmee until you're over your thirst. Her eyes flash back to where Jacob Leah and Seth stood then back to me. "Do I smell as bad as them," she asked. Carlisle and I couldn't contain our laugh. Jacob snorted as Leah seemed to roll her eyes. Seth on the other hand seemed to find it as funny as we did. 'Sam would like to come and explain ,' Jacob thought to me. "You know the legend's as well as he does," I took a step away from (Y/n). Jacob let out a soft whine at the thought of being separated from Renesmee. "I'll go with but then return, " I told them ," Carlisle ,Jasper and you will stay behind in denali." The lack of movement in the snow drew my attention. Irina looked on in horror and outrage. "Jasper, " I hissed, nodding my chin. We raced to catch up and explain. Was nothing going to go our way today? Apparently not. I slam myself into her knocking her into the snow. Kicking up snowflakes. Before she could retaliate Jasper used his gift. Irina submitted, but I didn't let her up just yet. Her family were purest when it came to the law. Would it be easier to show them? Easier to get them used to the idea of the shifting vampire world? Aro may have struck a deal with (Y/n) but what if the sisters went to place a formal complaint would Aro renege on the agreement? She'd lose her freedom for nothing. That thought angered me beyond Jasper's ability to numb without contact. The moment his hand touched the back of my neck was like putting frozen snow on a hot flame. Trying to smother it to go out. It gave me enough reason to think this out. Renesmee would have to come with us. That meant more protection. Things like this usually would be thought over for a while, but we had no time with others waiting for our arrival. 

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