Forces unseen

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I'm not surprised you can't set sight

On how your life should be

Because our lives are largely shaped 

By forces we can't see. 

- Ms Moem

( You Pov )

To see love blossoming when my one seemed to be dying on the branch was indescribable. At the same time it was amazing to watch the connection forming between Kate and Garrett. To see a ture mate bond blossom. For everyone else they hadn't seen Fred's and Tanya's relationship till they were absolutely head over heels with each other. Irene and I were like two damp spots on wood that someone was trying to burn. As a result she tended to stick around me since Jasper and I were the only ones who can soothe her pain. Eleazar was keeping his word. He would have me practice both the abilites I picked up and physical training. Even then when Jasper was there with Alice's ability I hadn't mastered them like she has. Even though I saw what he was thinking and was about to do he seemed to catch me 4 out of 10 times. "Still not good enough ," he seemed to be a record on repeat ," you'd be dead in second's if they got their hands on you." "You know she's holding back," Alice wrinkled her nose at him. Jasper's love for her flared as their bond seemed to glow. "She should shouldn't, " he offered a hand to help me up from the snow. Irina caught my eye as she watched. The hint of her hope in the air. It distracted me as I delved into her mind. Flinching at what she was thinking. How close had she watched Edward and I, his body language. Like he had found a new mate, me. If he truly had then why hasn't he come to see me, or even glanced my way when I went to visit Renesmee. The vision flashed at me a split second before Jasper acted. This time I was able to move fast enough. Catching hold of him I tazed him and had him pinned my other hand at his throat ready to rip. "Much better," he gasped when I let up the taze ," whatever the motivation, keep it in mind." I helped him up just like the many times he helped me up. "Now how is your shield," Eleazar asked walking up to us. Fuck I hate being double teamed by them. "I picked it up when I was human Eleazar," a tint of red seemed tint the edge of my vision. I realized what was happening as Jaspers eyes turned weary. However the moment I decided to calm down was the moment I felt something. Almost like a ghost of a rubber band. An unseen force that I felt slipping through my fingers. Eleazar must have noticed the change in my face. "You feel it don't you," he asked. "Its," I frown ," faint, like it might rip." "That's why Edward is able to see into your mind at times," he informed me ," because you let it slip." If my heart still beat it would be pounding. How much has he seen already? I became absolutely still with my shock. Yes I suspected, but to know and to suspect are two different things.

( Edward Pov )

I kept out of sight, unable to stay away when Renesmee slept. Tonight I decided to let my presence known. Stepping into the rage of her, our mind reading I asked her to meet with me. Deliberately she seemed to drop her walls and I heard her response. Clearly with conscious effort the shields seemed to rise. Not as fluently with instincts. To stand back and feel it , had my curiosity flaring. It was fascinating to feel, I would only wish I could watch it. (Y/n) was currently alone so I couldn't cheat as Emmett calls it. Knowing what I was thinking the moment she approached she asked ," Renesmee?" "She's with Rose and Emmitt, " I assure her. Her shoulder relax," how's Emmett in the knowledge his wishes came true?" A dazzling real smile spread across her lovely face as she read my mind. Something I hadn't seen in what felt like centuries. An answering smile spread across my face ," I'd say he is ecstatic and they already started placing bets if we were to practice." "Speaking of practice, " that dazzling smile faded. My own smile faded in response. "What about practicing, " I was still worried. "Eleazar was talking about exercising certain abilities," she was avoiding the subject. (Y/n) became still as it dawned on me. Unlike the other times it didn't blindsided. Yes it still hurt but it almost felt like it was healing, mending. The love for Bella was still there. "I know someone who can help you practice, " I nod ," but Kate didn't offer to help?" "She's a little occupied, " she looked out into the distance. Her body language showed embarrassment. "Garrett, " I chuckle. "Yeah I'm surprised you didn't hear that," she smiled. "No they are out of range for now," I chuckle. A chuckle that died on my lips as I remember our wild time. Desire that still had me flared so fast and hard at the memories of our time. Her eyes flashed with her own arousal. I expected to feel shame for what we had done. Since we weren't married and the fact I was still grieving. However there was no trace. Was this because I have a new mate? Is something like this even possible?

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