stuck in the elavator - josh christopher

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"oh my gosh i'm late" y/n groaned scurrying out of bed rushing to the shower. y/n was almost 13 minutes late for her meeting with the athletic director about her athletic training gig with arizona.

her heart beating vastly she hurried and scrubbed her body making sure to her every crease, turning the water off, wrapping the towel around her body and rushing to her closet to find an outfit.

"oh my gosh" she whispered pushing various amounts of clothes out of the way. quickly throwing on an arizona crew neck with leggings and her nike shoes.

she quickly ran downstairs making sure not to fall grabbing her keys and heading towards the car. cranking the car up she made sure her seatbelt was on and her choice of music.

"damn, why am i rushing? i'm already late" she sighed relaxing in her seat.

she pulled into the gym proceeding to head toward the door. she smiled and thanked the woman that opened the door for her and headed towards the

y/n jogged toward the elevator hoping no one was in there so she could have a couple seconds to gather herself. thankfully, no one was. smiling to herself she pulled out her phone to text her closest cousin to gossip about what happened between her and her ex last weekend.

"hold up" a deep voice struck making her look up from her phone. she mentally rolled her eyes opening the elevator just for him.

he walked in smiling and she gave an awkward smile back. y/n didn't have time for the foolishness this morning and half of her was still inlove with her ex meaning she didn't have time to mess with other guys.

toxic, right? anyways...

as the two stood in silence the low elevator music played. "so, what are you here for?" the random male asked. "i have a meeting that i'm about 40 minutes late to" she shrugged then proceeded to check her apple watch.

"ahhhh ni-" he was interrupted by the elevator falling. "oh my gosh, my day just can't get any worse" y/n rolled her eyes sitting on the floor knowing the two would be there for a while. "help!" the boy screamed banging on the sliding doors.

"boy they can't hear you" she rolled her eyes and he groaned spamming the emergency button.

"well what's your name?" y/n asked so he could stop panicking. "josh, you?" he raised an eye brow. "y/n" she nodded as he took a seat by her.

"aren't you like on the basketball team or something with your brother?" she pointed at him and she smiled. "yea, thats me" he nodded.

"i'm the athletic trainer" she pulled out her phone to let her cousin know that she was stuck in the elevator. "i figured"

"it's getting hot in here" y/n fanned herself pulling off her crew neck leaving her in her psd sports bra.

"woahhh, we just met and you getting freaky already?" josh playfully smirked. "you are so delusional" she rolled her eyes and shook her head fanning herself.

"why the hell are you even here?"

"i have practice but they needed me so they could run a couple tests" he played with the buttons on the elevator. "you're gonna get us stuck in here forever." y/n groaned.

"atleast i'll die with my future wife" josh mumbled. "bro what?"

"nothing" josh said quickly. "you are so annoying" y/n slouched down.

"so" he admired himself in the mirror in the elevator. "i do look nice though" he rubbed his face making a lightskin face.

"i wouldnt say all that but go off girl"

"you are such a hater" josh put his arm over the other. "i guess" she huffed. truth is y/n was angry that her first day had went down like this but then again sitting in the elevator with josh wasn't that bad.

"do you ever like wish you weren't like stuck in the elevator?" josh randomly questioned playing with his fingers. something he tended to do when he was bored or nervous.

"josh" y/n said in a tight tone.


"i wish you'd be quiet" she swung her feet back and forth and he did as told.

"are you guys okay in there?" a voice spoke on the intercom. "yea, we're okay" the duo said in unison.

"we'll be there to get you out in the next 30 to 45 minutes"

the two sighed knowing they'd have to be with each for another half an hour.

"yesss i get to spend more time with my girlfriend" josh clapped. "whatever josh" y/n huffed.

this one was likeee kind of lame. but i'm gonna get back to finishing requests

 𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋 𝐌𝐄, hooper imagines.Where stories live. Discover now