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Sid: Nooo!

He explained everything to them. After a lot of convincing, AbhiNavi were finally convinced.

Avu: Anyways, so how was your date night?

She smirked. SidShek and Vaish were shocked. Abhi passed a death glare to Sid. Sid mouthed him, saying he did not tell anything to her.

Vaish: Date night?

Avu: Yup...Don't you know, when a boy and a girl go together for "romantic" dinner, it's there date night

Sid: Oh yeah!

He also started smirking. AbhiNavi looked at each other with embarrassed looks. They were sad. SidNeet sensed their sadness. 

Vaish: Ok so we should leave now. Come Avu

Avu decided not to question anymore. She signaled Sid telling him that they will talk later. Sid replied with an "OK". Soon VaishNeet left.

With VaishNeet, both went to their rooms. 

In Vaish's room, she entered the room, quickly locked the door and broke down. 

Vaish's POV

It's over! He already has someone in his life! Why did I even fall for him first of all?

Just to get heart broken? It's not his fault, but I was the one to fall for him! He loves someone else already... 

Why god, why? Why did you do this to me? I will always love him!

But, I can't let this affect our friendship. He doesn't know that I love him and I'll never let him know. That's it! I hope you a happy life ahead Abhishek Nigam!

POV Ends

She continued to cry. 

Meanwhile with Avu, she freshened up and decided to go to Vaish's room. Just then she saw Sid's message.


Sid: Hi               

Avu: Hello

He instantly replied

Sid: Did you talk to her?

Avu: No, was about to go but saw your message. Did you talk to him? 

Sid: Same, was going to

Avu: They didn't seem in a good mood

Sid: Exactly! Instead both were sad

Avu: Hmm. Ok, I'm going to di right now. Ttyl

Sid: Ohk. I shall also go to dada. Bye

Avu: Bye

Conversation ends

Avu went to Vaish's room. She knocked the door. Vaish wiped her tears and opened the door. Her eyes were all puffy and her nose was red. Avu panicked after looking at her this condition.

Vaish: Avu, you here?

Avu: Di you were crying?

Vaish: No, no...not at all!

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