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Vaish: Oops! Seems like she got angry. Bad luck Siddu

Sid: What did I do? 

Jan: What did you do? ask us what did you NOT do!

Sid: What did I NOT do?

Ash: Buddy you spoiled her mood

Sid: Did I overreact?

Reem: You over- overreacted!

Sid: Shit! All because of this idiot!

He pointed at Faisu. Faisu returned a shocked expression

Faisu: Me? It was not my fault. I was just supporting you. Good manners have no value nowadays!

Abhi: Ashu and Faisu, you both can fight later. Right now, Ashu go and convince her or else...

Sid nodded and they pushed him to follow Avu

With Avu,

She went to her hotel room and shut the door in frustration. Then she threw off her dupatta and sat on the bed

Avu: Idiot bandar ka baccha! I'm the only desperate one! That dumbo does not even care about me. But he cares about his "POTATO CHEESE BALLS"

She said the last three words, mimicking him

Avu: 24 hours I'm thinking about him but no, all that buddhu cares about is FOOD! A beautiful girl just fell down because of him but who cares? 

"Why am I even caring what he thinks about me? Every time I try my best to impress him, he has to prove his dumbness. Khadoos!"

Just then she heard the creak of the door. She turned around to find Sid peeking from the side of the door. He knocked

Sid: May I come in?

Avu's POV

Oh no! Did he hear all of it?

POV ends

Sid knocked again

Avu: What?

Sid: I said, may I come in?

Avu: Umm...yea come in

She quickly turned around again and heard him shut the door slowly. He came and stood beside her. She turned her face away

Sid: Hi! 

He went in front of her and she turned away again

Avu: Huh!

Sid: Look I'm sorry!

She looked at him from the corner of her eyes

Sid: Look maddo, I'm holding my ears

She saw him holding his ears and kneeling down and quickly turned to him

Avu: Hey you don't need to do that

She got down from the bed and made him stand up. Sid held his ears and looked at her with puppy eyes, which was enough to melt her heart

Avu: It's ok!

They went silent for some time. Avu was wondering if he heard her words. She found him smirking

Avu: What all did you hear?

Sid: Hear? What and when?

Avu: I know you heard all I said when you were outside the door

She pushed him on the bed and threatened him. Sid was totally confused and scared

Sid: Oh then? Actually, I heard everything!

He looked up at Avu, who was shocked

Avu: Listen, whatever you heard was not true. Not at all!

She said loudly and he gulped in nervousness

Sid: Wow, so you're saying that I'm not khadoos? Can't believe you are respecting me

She was confused for a second but then realized that he only heard the last word. She felt a sense of relief, left his collar and stepped away

Avu: That's all?

Sid: Yeah, that's all!

He smirked

Sid: Why? Did you say something else that you didn't want me to hear?

Avu: No, not at all. Actaully, I wanted to tell you something

Sid: And what is it?

Avu: Woh...

She blushed purposely to get him excited

Sid: Woh?

Avu: Umm...I wanted to tell you

Sid: Say!

Avu: You...that you are a total miniac!

She replied and was about to escape but Sid grabbed her hands at the right time. She felt butterflies in her tummy. He pulled her towards himself and she landed on him, pushing his body on the bed. Now Sid was lying on the bed and Avu was right upon him. Their noses rubbed against each other and there was barely any space between their lips. Their eyes met and Sid placed his arm around her bare waist

Sid: Is that all you wanted to say?

Avu: Ye...yes. Tha...that's it!

Sid: Then why did I feel like you wanted to say something else?

Avu: Wh...what did...yo..you expect?

She blushed 

Sid: Something better. May be...

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door and quickly drifted apart

Avu: Who is it?

"Me!" Reem shouted back

Sid's POV

Kabab me haddi!

POV Ends

Avu opened the door and she barged in

Reem: Everyone was wondering why it's taking so long, so I decided to come and see

They nodded

Reem: So did you both sort out your fight?

Sidneet: Yep

Reem: Well, that is evident enough

Sid: Umm...I'm going back. Come soon both of you

He shut the door and left. Reem turned to Avu with a huge smirk plastered on her face

That's it for today!

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29th September, 2021

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