📱Phone call📱

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Avu was sitting in the balcony, staring at the night sky. She was thinking about something as a drop of tear fell from her eye. Suddenly she felt someone's hands on her shoulder. She quickly wiped her tear and turned around only to find Vaish standing behind her

Avu: Di!

She quickly hugged her and broke down into her arms. Vaish panickedd and rubbed her back

Vaish: What's wrong Avu?

Avu didn't reply and continued crying. Vaish  parted the hug and wiped her tears. She sat beside her

Vaish: Avu stop crying and tell me what happened?

Avu: Di....

She told he about the phone call. Vaish was shocked

Avu: Di I don't want all that to happen again.  I can't face him again. He ruined my life. I don't want him to come back in my life

Vaish: Relax Avu. Nothing wil happen. I'm here for you. He can't cause you any harm

Avu: No di please. You don't come in between or he will leave no chance to harm you

Vaish: Avu please. Last time you stopped me but this time I won't stay back and see. You're not alone. We all are with you

Avu: All?

Vaish nodded

Vaish: Me, Abhi and Siddu

Avu: No di! You won't tell them anything about it. I don't want you all to be in trouble because of me

Vaish: But Avu...

Avu: Di you have my oath!

She placed Vaish's palm on her head

Vaish: Shit Avu, why did you do that?

Avu: That's it!

Vaish's POV

Ise abhi kuch bhi bolna bekaar hai. I'll convince her later

POV ends

Vaish: Fine! I won't tell anyone. Well see to the matter later on. Right now it's late night so go and sleep

Avu nodded

Vaish: Be strong and of course don't hesitate to tell me anything that bother's you

Avu: Thank you di

They hugged each other

Meanwhile in the kitchen

Sid came in

Sid: Where is Nakchidhi? She said she was going to the kitchen but...

Suddenly something hit his back. It was Abhi facing his back to him. Both turned around and shouted

Both: Aaaaah!

Sid was shocked to see him standing shirtless. Abhi quickly grabbed the corner of the table cloth from the dining table and tried to cover his body

Sid: Dada what are you doing here...like this?

Suddenly his shocked expression turned into a smirk

Abh: What are you doing here at this hour?

Sid: I should ask the same question to you

Abhi: I came here to look for Vaish

Sid: And I was looking for nakchidhi

Avu and Vaish came running to the kitchen. Avu was shocked when she saw Abhi standing shirtless and so was he. She quickly turned around. Abhi quickly hid behind Vaish. She turned back and smirked. Sid was controlling his laugh

Vaish: Why did you come outside? *murmured*

Abhi: You said you'll be back in few minutes but you didn't return so I came to search for you

Vaish: Desperate!

Abhi: For you!

Sidneet fake coughed

Sid: Aap dono ka ho gaya?

Abhi: Ok bye. It's late. I'm going to sleep

He was about to leave but he realised he was shirtless. He quickly hid back behind Vaish

Abhi: Come baby

Vaish: Yeah let's go. Good night Siddu and Avu!

Sidneet smirked- "Good Night!"

Abhinavi left. Sidneet burst out laughing. They stopped when they were almost out of breath

Avu: Wow dude, you can walk without crunches

Sid: Yep I can

Avu: Great! Let's sleep

Sid: Yep let's go

They went to her room. They created a pillow wall in between and slept...

That's it for today!

How was the chapter?

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What do you think Avu told Vaish about the phone call?

Who is "he"?

Mention your guesses

Till the next chapter...

18th July, 2021

18th July, 2021

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