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She was wishing for Anu to refuse in formality

Anu: Aww, that's so sweet of you! I would love to

She replied, getting close to him and tightening her grip on his hands

Sid smiled like an idiot

Avu's POV

Khushi toh dekho is bandar ki. Idiot!

POV ends

Sid: Anu do you want some coffee?

Anu: Uh no, I will end up with pimples or else and you know right, I just hate pimples

"I just hate pimples" She mimicked her in an inaudible voice

Sid: No problem, then we can get some cold drink and spaghetti

Anu: Thanks Siddu!

Sid: Avneet do you want something?

Avu: No thanks!

She replied violently. Sid went to place orders

Anu: So what about you Avneet? How are you?

Avu: Yeah, I'm good

Anu: Looks like you are quite a new friend. Siddu never mentioned about you

Avu: Maybe because close ones don't really need a mention

Anu: Well that's true. So are you like hi close friend?

Avu: Ya you can say that!

Sid returned

He sat back in his place and continued chatting with Anu. Avu was quite burning with jealousy. After some time their orders arrived. Anu and Siddu started eating while Avu ordered a cold drink for herself as well

Anu: Aaah!

Suddenly she grasped

Sid: Are you fine?

Anu: Yea, it's just too hot

Sid: Oh, be careful! Don't worry, let me help you

He formed a bite of spaghetti from his plate and started blowing to cool it down. Then he started feeding her from the same plate. He got into deep eye contact with Anu.  Avu was just watching them while she wanted to throw her glass at them but she pretended to ignore them

Anu: See- soo, it's spicy

Avu: Have some cold drink

Before she could have a sip, Sid quickly offered her, his own cold drink to her

Avu's POV

Why is he so curious to share his food with this tikhi mirchi?

POV ends

He helped her drink and she took a sip. Avu was tightening her fists. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and violently stood up

Sid: What happened Avneet? Do you need anything? Tell me...

Avu: I'm leaving!

Sid: But why?

Avu: Actually I just remembered I have some "important"  work

She said, focusing her power on the quotation

Sid: Av...

Anu: Oh that's sad. You can leave then

Sid: Bye, take ca-

Avu grabbed her purse and stomped away. She left for home

At home, 

She straightaway went to her room and threw her purse across the room. She changed her clothes and went to the kitchen, where she met Vaish

Vaish: Hey Avu, you're back so soon?

Avu: Yep

She said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and drinking

Vaish: So how was it to meet your Bandar?

Avu: Fine!

She replied without any expression and without saying any further, she left for her room

Vaish was confused

In Avu's room

She threw herself on her bed and lied there, recalling the incident

Avu's POV

Bandar kahika! That tikhi mirchi, chipkilli was overreacting so much and he was going mad for her! Idiot! And what did he say- "Avneet is my new friend!"    

Like are you kidding me? I'm new and that Anu ki Bacchi is his favorite friend? 

I seriously feel like killing him right now. He was literally acting so over-smart. She would've easily found a new house but NO! Mr. Nigam had to invite her for a stay, of course

Like dude, are you kidding me? Till yesterday he was literally buttering me and today he forgot me so easily? 

Ugghhh! Next time if he tries his chances with me, I'll literally throw this, this cushion on his face!

POV Ends

She threw her cushion across the room in frustration and closed her eyes to feel some peace. Without realizing, soon he fell into a slumber of sleep

Next day,

It was Saturday so it was a weekend

VaishNeet and Vaish's mom were having breakfast together. Avu had forgotten about last night [S.A - Sangeeta Aunty( Vaish's mom)]

S.A: Sweeties have your breakfast quickly and then help me with cleaning

Vaish: Mom someone's coming over?

S.A: Yes. Your fiance and his family. I've invited Vibha for lunch

Avu suddenly remembered about last night

Avu: Today?

S.A: Yes beta. Now quickly go and clean your rooms

VaishNeet: Ok!

Vaish replied with excitement but Avu was not very happy about it

That's it for today!

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Till then...


11th October, 2021

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