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Next morning. With Sidneet, first Sid woke up. He looked around and found himself sleeping on the floor and Avu was sleeping on the bean bag chair. As soon as he saw her sleeping, he coudn't help but admire her. 

Sid's POV

We played till late last night. I don't remember falling asleep on the floor though. I taught madoo how to play video games. But dude, she betrayed me. She used my tricks on me and left me behind. She turned into a pro gamer and I was literally feeling like a noob in front of her. Every time I surpassed her in the car racing game, she punched me. But her smile. when she won, was so cute. 

When I opened my eyes today morning, the first thing I saw was her adorable face right in front of me. Oh, her eyes look so elegant even when closed. Her charming lips and her chubby cheeks are perfection. Wait, shit! what am I saying?

What is happening to me? Siddharth, how can you think so and so about you best friend. Very bad. Shame on me. But WHY?

POV Ends

He was thinking when Avu woke up. She looked at him and laughed

Sid: What's wrong?

He was confused

Avu: Look at yourself. You look like a monkey with all that chocolate on your face

Sid: Really?

Avu: Yea!

She continued to laugh. Sid was enjoying, seeing her laugh. He started closer to her. She stopped laughing and became nervous.

Avu: Wha...what ar... are you..do..doing?

Sid: You say I look like a monkey so I was checking myself.

Avu: Checking yourself?

He continued to move closer to her

Sid: Yep! Looking for my reflection in your charming eyes

She blushed

Sid: Ohoo...Someone is blushing

He smirked. She quickly hid her blush and held the collar of his t- shirt

Avu: Listen, if you come closer, I'll scratch your face

Sid: Wild cat! 

She let go of his collar

Avu: Are you going to sit here forever?

Sid: No, why?

Avu: Cause I'm going to have my breakfast

She left

Sid: Yaar wait! I'm also coming

Meanwhile with Abhinavi. 

Vaish woke up first. She was wearing Abhi's t- shirt. She had her back aced to Abhi and his arms were wrapped around her waist. She quietly moved his arms and turned to face him

Vaish's POV

I never even imagined in my life that one day I'll wake up beside my crush, my Abhishek. What can be a better start of the day.

POV Ends

She traced her index finger on his face and adored his sleeping figure. Abhi woke u due to her touch but pretended to be asleep. He pulled her closer by waist. She was shocked

Vaish: Abhi you're awake?

Abhi: Nope! I'm sleeping

He realized what he said and opened his eyes. She looked at him and smiled

Abhi: Good morning sweetheart!

Vaish: Good morning Love!

Abhi: What are you doin'?

Vaish: Seriously? I'm right in front of you

Abhi: Oops, yeah!

He chuckled

Vaish: Now, let me go. Avu and Sid must be awake already

Abhi: So let them enjoy with each other. We should enjoy ourselves

Vaish: Really? And how shall we enjoy ourselves?

Abhi: Let's cuddle

They cuddled and fell asleep again. Few minute later, her phone rang. Caller ID- Avu

Vaish: Yes Avu?

Avu: Are you both planning to sleep all day?

Vaish: Oops sorry! We're coming

Avu: Alright!

She hung the call

Abhinavi came downstairs to the dinning room. Sidneet were having pizza from last night. They joined them. 

Avu: So how was your night together?

She whispered to Vaish and smirked. Vaish bushed but quickly hid it. She changed the topic

Vaish: Whose t- shirt is this?

She smirked

Avu: Don't change the topic

Vaish: Why? why, why, why?

Avu rolled her eyes

Avu: Fine, I'm letting you go but you have to tell me later

After having breakfast, they decided to go out to some mall. But first, they went to VaishNeet's home so that they could change their dress...

That's it for today!

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Hope you enjoyed!

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I'm planning to write longer chapters. What do you guys think?

Till then...

13th June, 2021

13th June, 2021

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