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V.A kept sobbing while resting her head in her hands. Suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She wiped her tears,  slowly looked up behind her, and was shocked to see S.A, with tear-filled eyes. As soon as V.A turned, S.A wrapped her arms around her and hugged her. S.A started crying

S.A: I'm really sorry Vibha. I'm very sorry! Please forgive me. Everything happened because of me

V.A didn't reply but didn't even break the hug. She could feel the regret in S.A's voice

S.A: I'm terrible. Neither should I've gone there, nor would Siddharth try to save me. Because of me, you have to see your child in this condition. I.m very very sorry but trust me, I didn't do anything on purpose. I still regret it!

V.A placed her hands on S.A's back and rubbed it supportively

V.A: I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have blamed you. Forgive me, I got carried away

S.A broke the hug and looked at her. V.A spoke with a breaking voice between her cries

V.A: In fact, I was my mistake. Everything begins with me. If I didn't force Aashu to break up with Avneet, none of this would've happened. I'm the most selfish person

S.A placed her hand on her shoulder and shook her head

S.A: My fault too. Even I forced Muskan. Just because of our past matters, our kids have to suffer

The past flashed back in both their memories

S.A: But today, I'm not Sonia Nandra or that past Sonia. Today I am a mother who can understand another mother's pain. I don't know what will happen later but at least, for now, let's just pretend that we both never knew each other 25 years ago

V.A was touched by her words. It made her remember her previous Sonia. her bestie. She couldn't hold back her tears and hugged her tight

V.A: Let's just pray that all this gets over and we can get our happy children back

S.A hugged her back and nodded

In Sid's room,

Avu was lying on the floor, dozed off while crying. A nurse came in and shook her gently

Nurse: Umm, excuse me, ma'am. Can you please leave?

She woke up with a jerk. She panicked and looked around

Avu: I- 'm not going anywhere! I know you're trying to trick me

Nurse: Ma'am it's against the hospital rules so-

Avu: Don't try to trick me. You can't snatch my Siddarth from me. I'll stay here only!

She held his bed with a tight grip, refusing to budge

Back to S.A and V.A

They were interrupted by Abhi. He supported and bought Avu's adamant figure out from Sid's room. He made her sit beside them. She didn't want to come back

Abhi: Mummy, the nurses are asking to avoid crowding. So everyone cannot stay here. Some have to go back home

V.A: But what did the doctor say. When will Aashu recover?

Abhi was speechless but he had to make some story to convince her

Abhi: They said probably by tomorrow. So don't worry mummy. You all should go back home for now. It's already 9 pm

V.A: Really! That's amazing! But what about Vaishu? Where's she and Sangeeta?

Abhi: Vaishu fainted because of stress but she's also fine now. I've convinced her also to leave for time being. Tomorrow you all can come back

V.A: But then-

S.A: Abhishek is right. We all should leave. You and Vaish need rest so it's better to relax and go back. I'm sure Siddharth will have cured till tomorrow

V.A nodded in satisfaction. She was happy by the doctor's words so she agreed. Just then, they heard some running footsteps approaching. It was Reem and Jai

Jai: We're here! Dada how's Siddharth?

Abhi: Thank god you guys are here. Aashu is in a coma!

Reem: What! 

She grasped and her eyes filled up

V.A: Relax Reem beta. You know the doctor said that Aashu will be alright till tomorrow

She said with full hopes and excitement. A smile formed on Reem's face. Jai looked at Abhi with a curious and happy look but received a dull and hopeless expression

Suddenly Reem's sight caught Avu sitting irresponsive. Se sat beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder

Avu: Please don't take me away from him! I want to stay with my Siddharth! Don't take me away!

She panicked 

Reem: Avu, it's me. Reem, your bub! No one will take you away!

Avu got her senses back and hugged her. She didn't cry because now her eyes were dry. She was losing hope now. S.A caressed her cheek

S.A: Muskan, darling let's go home! 

Avu: No, I'll not go anywhere! I'll not leave my Sid

V.A: Avneet, don't worry dear. Siddharth will come back tomorrow!

Avu: I- I don't want to leave. I'll stay here only. Reem, tell them!

Reem nodded

Reem: Aunty, you both can leave. I don't think Avu will go so let her be here. I'll stay back with her. Don't worry!

Abhi: Reem is right! Let's go mummy. I'll drop you both at home. Jai, please manage till then

Jai: No issue. Take care!

They left. Reem made Avu rest her head on her shoulder and motivated her. Jai sat beside them and they all waited with hopes

That's it for today!

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Ik it was boring but...

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Till the next chapter,


20th Jan, 2022

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