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Avu: Vaish di LOVES Abhi bhai!

She shouted at him

A stream of happiness flowed inside him. He started dancing around.

Sid: Are you serious?

Avu: Look at you! literally exciting over my di's pain. Do you even know the pain of a broken heart? Obviously you don't. But I can understand her pain. You are such a shameless human!

She broke into tears. Sid panicked and hugged her.

Sid: I'm sorry Madoo. I shouldn't have said all that I said

Avu parted away from him.

Sid: Listen to me. I think I understood what ACTUALLY happened last night.

Avu looked at him in confusion. He made her sit back and calmed her.

Sid: There has been a huge misunderstanding!

Avu: What?

Sid: Yes. I think I have to tell you about it

Avu: About what?

Sid: The thing is that...dada LOVES Vaishu di too!

Avu: WHAT?

Sid nodded. She could not belive her ears. Word were stuck in her throat. Both looked at each other and started dancing together. After getting tired, they calmed down and sat down.

Sidneet: Sorry, I didn't tell you earlier!

They said together.

Avu: Di made me give her a promise

Sid: I can understand. Same happened to me

Avu: If both of them love each other then what  possibly happened yesterday?

Sid: I don't know. But I think I know what could've happened

Avu: What?

Sid: If I'm not wrong, then this happened because of misscommunication

Avu: And how would that happen?

Sid: Tell me, what did di exactly say to you?

Avu: She said that dada told her, he has crush on someone

Sid: And bhaiya told me that di told hi, she has a crush on someone

Avu: Wait a second... so both were referring to each other?

Sid: Exactly! But both of them thought that "someone" is another person

Avu: So does that mean-

Sidneet: They both have a crush on each other!

Avu: Let me call her and give this good news

Sid: Nooo! You think they will believe us?

Avu: Well, I don't think so

Sid: I have a perfect plan

Avu: Tell me

He signaled her to come closer. 

Avu: Yahaan kaun sunega?

Sid: Don't you know, diwaaro ke bhi kaan hote hai

She went closer to him and he whispered the plan in her ears.

Avu: Perfect!

Sid: I know that

Avu: So when shall we do it?

Sid: How about today evening. Earliest as possible

Avu: Hmm. Fine, let's start preparations. Today evening we'll meet at the Starbucks near your house

Sid: Ok. Now I'll go. Have to do a lot of preparations

They both did a quick hug and Sid left. Avu also continued to do her work. Soon she wrapped up the things and left early. 5 hours later, she reached home. 

Vaish: Good Evening Avu!

Avu: Good Evening di!

Vaish: How are you so late today?

Avu: Woh...I had to attend an urgent meeting so

Vaish: I'm so sorry I didn't come today

Avu: Come on di. You needed rest. Btw, how are you now?

Vaish: Yeah, fine I guess.

Avu: Hmm

Vaish: Freashen up and come back quickly

Avu: .....

That's it for today!

What is SidNeet's plan?

Will they be able to bring AbhiNavi together?

Stay tuned to know!

Till the next update...

5th June, 2021

5th June, 2021

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