Sick 🚬

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((If you are sensitive to this topic id avise you with caution, Stay safe))

Bold -is tubbos thoughts

Underline-is messages

Italics -is the characters talking

*Insert Noise *-sounds
As tubbo woke up he was suprised by a sharp ache in his head.It felt like his head was peircing ,He brushed it off because these types of aches became daily at this point.

He felt dizzy as he got off his bed,he stumbled across his room to his bathroom to start his "daily routine" and when he says daily routine.He means getting up from bed to brush his teeth and set up stream.

As he was stumblimg across his bedroom to reach his bathroom. . .he immidiatly felt sick.

A sudden wave of Nausea came over him.He quickly sped walked to the bathroom and maybe bumbing into a few objects. .

He positioned himself to his face,facing the toilet bowl as he proceded to throw up..

He felt his stomach turn inside out,it was honestly so painful he couldnt even stand up to flush the toilet.

====End of Tw====

He decided not to stream so he decided to up on join a stream."Prehaps ranboo is live" ironically ranboo was live.He decided to message ranboo to let him know if he can join the stream.

Hey ranbo can i maybe joinn strram caues im not gonna straem today?


Baisc response. . .but anywys ill be jioning in a minnute.

Bruh your coming at me for my responses but your the one who spelt basic wrong.😭

Tell thth to Mcc oh wait. . .

. . .
At this point tubbo was almost gonna make another bathroom trip but decided not since he had already asked."cant really cancel since i barely just asked"

As he was joining vc he was welcomed with loud laughter. . .he immidiatly recognized it as tommys." Hey tubbo"he said between laughs

"Hi tommy,hi ranboo"he gringed at how weakly his response was. .

"Tubbo i still dont forgive you for that Mcc joke "he said jokingly but tubbo took this stament a little bit serious."Well jeez,it wasnt my fault that you didnt get into Mcc"he said harshly.

"Tubbo are you okay?"Tommy said out of the bloom.Tubbo at this point was fed up and wanted to leave the call. .until he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.His head immidiatly fell front faced on top of his keyboard as he fell ,He bumbed into a glass figuring that shattered on the ground.This noise alarmed the two boys on the call.


The call fell silent. . .Until ranboo spoke up with a quite voice "Tubbo is everything alright?" .

Silence filled tubbos side of the call

====Authours Note====
I hope you enjoyed this was kinda rushed but i do think ill make a part 2 of this.
I would like to remind that request are open and feel free to ask me anything
Remember to stay safe drink water and eat if you havent :)

(im now your mother >:]

520 words

Tubbo Angst And Fluff ♡♡ (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now