Hide and seek 📜

735 30 31

-long chase scenes

(If you are sensitive to any of these topics id warn you with caution or just skip it)

(I also recommend playing "six forty seven" instupendo + slowed)

??? pov

Tubbo was a happy going kid.He's the one you can count on.The kid wouldn't hurt a fly.

. .The thing is he would,Tubbo has many secrets as well as any other person on this server.So what makes his secret so special. .?

The thing is, Tubbo is completely insane.This kid is menatally insane.

It all started when Tommy and tubbo were playing a game of hide and seek.You can't blame the two kids for getting bored of building.So hide and seek seemed like the best option.

As tubbo was the seeker he had to wait and count to about 45 seconds outside of the forest.While Tommy hides in the forest.


As the game begins,something in Tubbo's mind switches.

As Tommy was hiding in a broken down house near the "haunted" lake,He never believed in anything supernatural.He has heard countless stories about how there was this boy who went insane and drowned himself in that lake.Most of this story was told from tubbo. .

"Boy,what an idiot"he said, whispering and chuckling at the last part.

As he hears ruffles of leaves nearby he goes completely silent and still.

As he hears the ruffling of leaves slowly fade away,He mentally claps himself on the back.Giving himself a victory.

But that victory is slowly taken back when he hears the door of the broken down house creak open.

He forgot to mention that he was hiding inside a closet.He can hear faint whispers

"k..ill h..im"

His whole body stiffened.As he peeks on one of the holes in the closet...

...He could see his bestfriend holding a knife in his hand.Though he feels something off about his stance.

But his glances were quickly interrupted by a random noise coming from upstairs.

He could see as tubbo rushes up the stairs with a knife in hand.

He took this opportunity to quickly run out of there but from the weight of his body that projected onto the door.It suddenly made a huge creak,but at that time he was already out. .

As he was sprinting away He could hear twigs and leaves crippling from behind him.

He doesn't look back until the moment he sees. . .

. .Nothing. . .He sees absolutely nothing, his rapid heart beats quickly die down.

He feels relieved but as he turns around back to his original position. .He hears breaths right on his neck

Which makes him flinch

He falls back right onto tubbo's arm

(^not shipping!!it's supposed to be scary ,weirdos)

As he hears tubbo giggle his heart drops.

Usually tubbos giggles are filled with a calm tone..

...But this one is different instead of the calming energy he provides with his giggles

This giggle is filled with a sinister tone

He immediately gets up from tubbo's arms

He shouts in fear"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?"his voice trembling

Tubbo replies with a simple "I only wanted to win the game. ."

Instead of the sinister voice he held onto it was oddly calming..

It felt like what he was saying was true..was tommy all just dreaming this..

..But his train of thought is interrupted by tubbo mumbling "and besides it's not a real knife i just wanted to scare you.." He says playing with his oversized shirt,looking guilty.

Tommy softens his look as he opens his arm to let tubbo hug him.

Before Tubbo graciously takes the hug he sets the fake knife down..

It was all just huge Misunderstandin-

He was promptly interrupted by Tubbo saying "the reason I told you the fake knife was fake, is because the real one is in your gut. ."


As he finishes his sentence.Tommy felt a sharp pain in his gut

He slowly drops to his knees.As his upper body strength slowly gives up.

He looks up at tubbo

Tubbo wears a big sinister smile

As his upper body gives up he drops dead.He could feel the knife entering deeper into his gut

Which causes blood to come out his mouth which he coughs out.

Tubbo pulls on tommy's hair which as well moves his head to face him

He positions Tommy on an old tree and he quickly pulls out the knife.So he can bleed out


As tommy feels his body grow colder by each second he promptly accepts his fate as. .


But before he dies he could hear tubbo saying

"I win"

As he take his final breath

Tubbo comes over and closes his eyes for him. .

"Wait, that's how it ends?"George says gasping loudly

"Yes..george that's how it ends"dream says chuckling

"But isnt your little brother named tubbo?"

Dream stays quiet of the mention of his dead brother

"Oh..im sorry dream"he says with a guilty look

"It's okay george. .I carry on his legacy.."

"..And what's his legacy?"

".. .Enough about that..You wanna play hide and seek?"

"Okay but let me but on my boots first"george says as he leaves the room

As I see him walk away.I look out to the forest and I can see a shadowy figure roaming but stops and looks at me.

The shadowy figure forms a small smile and disappears right there and then.

"I'm ready!! lets go now"

George shouts from downstairs

I quickly grab my mask with a huge smiley face and run downstairs

"This is going to be fun"i whisper under my breath

"The smile never stops"


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