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          "Hurry up Guys!!" Tubbo says while running past ranboo and Tommy, The smell of pastries lingered in the air as they were nearing niki's & Bbh's bakery. "Tubbo,Slow down you just started to heal,don't get too ahead of yourself!" Ranboo shouted at tubbo

Tubbo ignored ranboo and continued to follow the scent of muffins, he hasn't gone outside in awhile since. .well; he doesn't want to talk about it. .

. . .The bakery being straight out of a Cute pinterest board, The front of the bakery painted in a baby pink. In the inside A creamy white drenched the walls.

     "Woah- Hurry up guys, this is co cool!"Tubbo stared in awe at the bakery

       "I'm not payi-!"Tommy shouted as loudly as he could to bring his point across

"-Well me neither"Ranboo chiming in, cutting out Tommy's words.

"Woah Woah, you guys are seriously letting a sick person pay?"Tubbo said sarcastically while faking being hurt

       "Well i mean we can pay if yo-" Tommy spoke out

"You damn right you guys are paying"Tubbo quickly responding

"Now let's go!"Tubbo changes his tone to a softer one

The smell of fresh bakeries hit them hard like a trance, The bright light was another thing that hit hard.

Authors Note <3


Hello all, i'm here to bring more Short fluff with a hint of angst if you squint, Also LOVEJOYS new EP has just realesed and its so good!  :) 9-13-21

Tubbo Angst And Fluff ♡♡ (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now