Maladaptive daydreaming

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Tw: Implied sh/ bad coping habits

    Maladaptive daydreaming-

   That lonely feeling you get when you think your not good enough, no matter how many people tell you "you're not alone in this" it really does feel like it, the pressure, guilt, stress slowly catching up to you. .though you try, you try so hard but the weight crushes you it leads you to cope, in  ways that others may find damaging, and they are. Whether it's damaging your body to fit that standard you have created in your head. . "All in your head" they say.

Tubbo had felt it all, so he began to cope, and cope he did, he began to imagine how his life would be if he were the one actually controlling it. The way in his dreams he would be loved, praised by everyone. The way his flaws would be swallowed away, oh how he wishes this was reality. So Tubbo began to believe that this was reality, his reality. And no one could take that away from him.

At first his friends didn't think much of it, after he was "coping" maybe a few things didn't add up. .like how when tubbo mumbles randomly like he was in a state of consciousness, ranboo had as well "caught" tubbo zoning out multiple times while repeating similar movement's.

  While on stream, tubbo randomly asked "ranboo if you were ever offered the chance to alter your reality into your standard. .would you take it?" He fumbled over his words

". .i probably wouldn't. .i would just take what life throws at me and make it a great outcome. " Ranboo confidently said as he felt as he delivered that sentence perfectly

   A small "oh" can be heard from tubbos end of the call

Ranboo immediately blurted out "would you take the chance?"

  "I- I would. ." Tubbo said it with a shameful tone

  "I feel like life would be better if I can just actually control my life, y'know. I can change how society views me, or how my peers view me. Like for once i can finally live up to their standards once i do I'll get treated with love. ." His voice becomes a bit soft at the end as he recalls the small memories of his peers looking at him with glee. When they praised him, he felt like he was in a fuzzy, cozy state. But now they looked at him with distraught. He could've been so much better. .he was just an idiot who got too much praise.

  Ranboo looks to the side of him, seeing Tubbo's head resting on the table, he can see his eye peek out. Oh how tubbos felt embarrassed- blurting out private thoughts. Oh how he wished he can take it back

  "Ahem- tubbo are  alright . .?"Lhe whispered low enough for chat to not hear. But before tubbo could answer, Tubbo just stood up and left without mumbling a single word.

Ranboo slightly confused he said "welp-" followed by a clap "-chat i think that we might end here considering i have been streaming over 2 hours" a slight pause followed by a "I'll probably see you all tomorrow if not then i don't know. .but byeeee" he immediately left chat in confusion.

  He stood up, dumb founded may he add. He didn't understand why he was so embarrassed? Not a big deal, right?

But to tubbo it was,

Hellooo, I'm sorry ive been gone! It's been a rough year, I just wish it was over but I know it's not gonna make a big difference. I wish you all luck <3 Besos para todos =]

I as well based this on my maladaptive daydreaming disorder, i just wanted to make a story of me projecting.. anyways love you all /p

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