Old man 🚬

532 22 11

Tw: Attempted Assault/Cussing/

The stream was going good for a while until Tubbo was randomly grabbed with such force it startled the poor boy.

Tubbo turned around and was faced with a middle aged Man.

"Uhh. . hello sir. .?" He gave an awkward wave with his other hand. Since his other hand awas currently occupied by the wrist.

The Old man comes in closer and closer.Tubbo started getting Really Uncomfortable he wanted to play it off. .

The Old man whispers into his ear. .

Tubbo felt his blood run cold.The old man continues to whisper in his ear unspeakable things while still not letting his wrist go.

Tommy stepped in shouting "HEY MAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

The Middle aged man turned around and said "I'm just trying to make sure your cute friend over here" gesturing to tubbo "is single. ." he finishes it off with a smirk.

"BRO FUCK OFF,HE'S 17"Tommy yells

Tubbo is still unresponsive. .He looks like he's about to break down.

Tommy comes over handing ranboo the camera.

He grabs tubbo by the wrist and leads him away. The old man did put a fight he tugged on tubbos wrist before they went causing tubbo to fall back.

He fell on the hard cement.

Tubbo screams in agony and Cusses. "AHH. .FUCK" his hands reaching up to his head to smooth the pain.

The middle aged man laughing at his pain.

As the old man was distracted.Tommy grabs tubbo by the wrist and lifts him up.They run with ranboo still holding the camera. .

Byee :D

(300 words)


Uhm soo i went back and tweaked it a bit.Here is the final result

Theres not much difference exept a few highlights and more blush :]

Tubbo Angst And Fluff ♡♡ (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now